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Posts posted by MikeZ

  1. Hello,

    I wondered, how multi-block structures are made.

    So that a player places a specific structure of blocks, and then a single block appears. e.g. Water Wheels from Immersive Engineering.


    Does anyone have a tutorial or tips for that project. It should be for 1.7.10?




  2. Hello Guys,

    I want to make a simple Energy Collector Block.

    It should always collect Energy if placed.

    The problem is, that i don't understand, how I can use the Methods, provided by the CofhLib.

    Here's the Link to the CofhLib GitHub:



    I tryed to create a normal Minecraft Block, and to implement the methods in the main of the Block class. But I'm not able to access the Methods from the CofhLib.


    Please help me,

    Thanks Mike

  3. How am I able to use the CofhLib API in 1.7.10?

    I've added the jar in Eclipse, but if I go to Referenced Libraries and try to open a class of the jar, there's the message: "Source not found".


    My second question is, if there is a documentation how to use the CofhLib, to implement RF in your mod.




  4. Hello,

    I want to check, If the player goes from the overworld to a other dimension.

    But if the player goes from a other dimension to the overworld, the event shouldn't be triggerd.


    I've tryed it with:

    public void action(cpw.mods.fml.common.gameevent.PlayerEvent.PlayerChangedDimensionEvent event){
    if(player.dimension != 0){
    	event.player.inventory.addItemStackToInventory(new ItemStack(blocks.dirt, 1));


    If I'm using the event with the if-statement, the game crashes, if I'm going to a different dimension.

    Does anybody know, why? How can I program it?




  5. So, I give the item to the player with: player.addItemStackToInventory.

    But Eclipse shows a error, and says, it can't find "player".


    And how can I give a Block from a other mod? Like a Chance Cube from a other mod? An example would be great :D




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