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Everything posted by Chancebozey

  1. I just wanted to take a moment and thank LexManos, CPW and the others that contribute so much time and effort to Minecraft Forge. Thank you for your time and dedication.
  2. I was looking but have been unable to find any event, method or class for something like OnLoadDimension or OnDimensionChange. I need to control a worldGen feature when first entering a dimension. I need to allow it only to create one part so that the connection does not time out in SMP to the server as it tries to load the dimension. As it is now the connection times out because there is to much to generate upon entering. On SSP it just takes longer to enter the dimension while the worldGen and terrain generates. Any thoughts on this are welcome
  3. the placement of your pre hook wont be very useful as the render methods that come after it check the block itself for color, light value and such or they define it in that method itself or it is predefined in the block class itself. Either way your pre hook will be overridden nearly every time or cause instability and crash. The post hook is useless as it will never be reached because of the switch to the render methods. To do as you suggested you would need to alter or rewrite the individual render methods and/or blocks associated with them. If you are making your own block then do create your own custom render class. As for vanilla blocks your options are very limited. I hope this helps clarify things a bit as it can be confusing when trying to follow code paths.
  4. The Reptile mod author http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/585469-147forge-crackedeggs-mods-reptiles-parachute-walkingdead/page__hl__%20reptiles__st__0 had done something similar to what you propose. He uses rainfall, temperature etc.. descriptors in the BiomeGenBase class to determine suitable biomes for spawning. What is lacking is biome type descriptors as you would suggest using. Maybe you could convince the Forge developers to add some into the BiomeGenBase class. I dont think it would require alot of changes but I would think it best to give them clear outline of what you would expect it to accomplish and what parameters would be incorporated. Edit: Just to clarify, what I mean when I say it would probably not require much coding by the Forge team to incorporate is that it does not change a biomes function in any way it would just be a descriptor for said group of biomes. Each biome would then need an associated destriptor assigned to it in the BiomeGenBase list.
  5. Thank you for your suggestion. The problem with your idea is that not every forest biome is the same. Just look at the diversity in EBXL and BiomesO'Plenty biomes. I look at the biome and then determine if it suits my mob's original purpose. As for having to write a lot of code, once you do the initial legwork you would only have to update the list slightly after that. Having callable/referable mod specific names simplifies mod compatibility down to simple null checks. No APIs needed. I use biome and block names now in a class I wrote to allow my entities and structures to spawn in the many EBXL and BiomesO'Plenty biomes. Since a few blocks and biomes share the same names I really could use mod unique naming. The display names would stay the same but a callable modid.name idea for registering biomes, blocks and such would uniquely identity them as separate. You could probably add a generalization as you suggest but the mod unique naming really should be incorporated as you simply cannot generalize such diversity in content for all.
  6. You didn't show us your TileEntityGrinder.class In the BlockContainer.class there is a method called onBlockEventReceived that you might try using. Also you might try looking at how chests work. Hope this helps.
  7. I see that you've added a mod unique name parameter to register blocks. Will we be able to reference blocks this way? This would be great. I would like to see mod unique names for most things including biomes. I could reference other mods content this way without needing to worry about the ID. IDs can change and names of blocks, items, biomes... etc. are sometimes the same between mods so this would really help.
  8. Well I re-installed forge and now everything works fine. Thanx again.
  9. Thank you. Well I spent several hours fixing all import errors but I did remove all the ones I was not using. When I tried to run the client in Eclipse I get the following error: Am I missing some files? Thank you again for your help.
  10. Decompiled Forge Build 466 for mc1.4.6 to update my mod. Opened the src folder to transfer my mod files over but there isn't a common folder there only a minecraft folder. Am I missing something. I deleted everything and started over again but the result was the same. Thank you for your help.
  11. I have been experiencing choppy or buggy animations with some of my entities. After much trial and error with my code I found the culprit. - Setting moveSpeed below that of the standard 0.7F declared in EntityLiving can result in choppy animations. - Setting moveSpeed for an entity and then adjusting the motion modifiers such as motionY in a conditional statement in onLivingUpdate for example can also cause buggy or choppy animation or movement. Yet if moveSpeed is not set for that entity the changes to the motion modifiers do not appear to cause any buggy or choppy animations or movement. These issues did not appear in Minecraft 1.2.5. So the question is if this is a bug in the current Minecraft or maybe Forge? If anyone has any knowledge or suggestions please share. Thank you in advance.
  12. I have been experiencing choppy or buggy animations with some of my entities. After much trial and error with my code I found the culprit. - Setting moveSpeed below that of the standard 0.7F declared in EntityLiving can result in choppy animations. - Setting moveSpeed for an entity and then adjusting the motion modifiers such as motionY in a conditional statement in onLivingUpdate for example can also cause buggy or choppy animation or movement. Yet if moveSpeed is not set for that entity the changes to the motion modifiers do not appear to cause any buggy or choppy animations or movement. These issues did not appear in Minecraft 1.2.5. So the question is if this is a bug in the current Minecraft or maybe Forge? If anyone has any knowledge or suggestions please share. Thank you in advance.
  13. I believe you also need to register your entity with Using only the one method you currently use instead of using both may be the cause of the original error you describe.
  14. Also register your entity with: EntityRegistry.registerModEntity() See if that helps. I also have a few odd entity behaviors I cannot quite figure out that might be tied to the use of worldObj or !this.worldObj.isRemote not sure though. Anyway I hope this helps.
  15. Wouldnt the block ids need to be < 127 to work? Maybe I missunderstand. I myself would be very interested in a workaround for this. I also wanted to thank hotrods20 and say I admire you for attempting to take up this challenge. It is also a very welcome thing to receive help when needed.
  16. I'm sorry you still dont seem to understand the question, but thank you again for the response. Any information is better than none.
  17. Thank you for your reply Just a few things though... 1) If you are refering to overrideBlockTexture it is part of the method for rendering blocks and is used as such: public static boolean renderBlockPaintedFern(Block var0, int var1, int var2, int var3, RenderBlocks var4) { var4.overrideBlockTexture = "texturelocation"; var0.setBlockBounds(0.4F, 0.0F, 0.4F, 0.6F, 0.2F, 0.6F); var4.renderStandardBlock(var0, var1, var2, var3); var4.overrideBlockTexture = -1; var4.overrideBlockTexture = "texturelocation"; var0.setBlockBounds(0.4F, 0.0F, 0.4F, 0.6F, 0.1F, 0.4F); var4.renderStandardBlock(var0, var1, var2, var3); var4.overrideBlockTexture = -1; . . . return true; } If you look at Minecraft's RenderBlocks class you will see further how it is used. 2) I am using getTextureFile() to retreive the texture that I am using for the above method. 3)Declaring the index of the texture is not the question. How to assign it to a variable or label for its use in the above method is. The reason for doing this is to make the code as easy to follow and understand as possible especially if I have to go back through it to change something later. I am sorry if you did not understand the question but thank you for your reply.
  18. Would I simply put this in my render block class: public String getTextureFile() { return "/Witches/WitchesTerrain.png"; } then define it as such: public int WIC = 23; then call it as such: renderer.overrideBlockTexture = WIC; ? I cannot test this by itself right now as I have alot of code to rewrite still. Any constructive guidance would be much appreciated. Thank you.
  19. I know how to declare a variable to a stand alone png like this: public static int WiC = ModLoader.addOverride("/terrain.png", "/Witches/WiC.png"); How would you do so for a sprite on a sprite sheet in forge? I will be using this in my custom block renderer similar to the following: renderer.overrideBlockTexture = ClientProxy.WIC; There are many pieces and therefore many times I will need to call the same or different texture. Thank you in advance for any help.
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