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  1. i have a couple questions regarding hosting a mine craft server on ubuntu: first off i am still new to ubuntu and am using this as a way to become more familiar with it. current system specs: dell 690 precision work station, 2x Intel Xeon 5240 3.33 ram 4 gig ram 667Mhz, i am planing to upgrade to 16 gigs of ram after i get everything setup Wakeonlan implementation: I want to be able have the computer go in to a standby/ hibernation if no on is on the server for a prolonged time just a time out and when someone tries to access the server. im trying to keep it completely server side, where when someone checks to see if the server is active it takes the computer out of standby. I am pretty sure this can be done ill be doing more research into it. I am just wondering if anyone has any idea and links i can look at. next is im trying to run multiple servers on my machine. i am hoping to run a vanilla server, pixel mon and a forge server(with multiple mods). my issue is when i install a new server, i try to put it in its own folder but it seems to reference the home (in Ubuntu) folder for all the server files (properties, world folders and mods). so all the servers try to use the same files and folders and it causes issues. thats it for now, if you have anyidea to help me let me know
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