I have been browsing the web for about 3 hours now and I still haven't found a way to add GUI to an item. I desperately need help here. Can anyone link me an updated tutorial, or even an open source mod that does so? (I don't need to get the player inventory, I am just trying to display something like a book, for my mod's "about" item)
Hey guys, I'm making my mod and I just added a new seed. I want it to be dropped from grass with the same rarity as normal seeds. How do I do that? I only found one tutorial, but I don't understand, because he is just typing and I don't understand what the things do (Bad tutorial )So, if anyone can link me some tutorial or explain me what do do, it will be appreciated
Hey guys, I'm making my mod and I would like to know how I add drops to vanilla mobs. I want them to drop an item that I added. If possible, I would like to know how to make them drop 25% of the time.
EDIT: I added the title (Whoops....)