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Forge Modder
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  1. How do I get the smooth interpolation instead of the jitteriness though?
  2. No I want them to actually update slowly, for example at 1/2 tick speed skeletons take 2x as long to shoot arrows, not just move slowly. And with the tick speed/ cancelling updates arrows will also slowdown mid air
  3. What do you mean by "remove"? Do you mean that you don't want your entity to collide with players? Also, what Minecraft version are you using?
  4. I have been experimenting with ways to slow players and entities down. I have found a tickspeed changer api that I have been using, and so far it has worked out well. However, when it comes to slowing down entities, I'm having trouble. The tickspeed changer can only change the server tickspeed. When it does this, it makes all of the entities on the server move slowly (animations, movement, updates, etc) and it creates a really good looking slow mo effect. However I only want certain entities to be slowed down, and the tickspeed changer doesn't do that. This meant I went to cancelling updates of certain entities. I only allowed entities to update every few ticks to slow them down. However, this doesn't create the nice slow mo effect that the tickspeed change had. It is all rubber band-y and jittery, and there is no interpolation between updates (well I didn't really expect to have interpolation when cancelling updates, but I want it because it looks great). So, ultimately my question is, what is the best way to slow down an entity? Is there a way to change the tickspeed of certain entities that I'm overlooking? Or is there a way to make the update-cancelling look nice and have interpolation? Thanks in advance.
  5. 1) Where do I find the version that forge depends on? 2) How do I change the version of javax.vecmath that I use? (I use Eclipse)
  6. Oh alright I was way overthinking that. I have another problem, whenever I run gradlew genPatches, I get this error Any help would be appreciated
  7. Thanks! What is the difference between the 'Clean' and 'Forge' projects? Clean seems to be only Minecraft files, whereas Forge is both minecraft files and forge files, but the Forge minecraft files are different than the Clean minecraft files. What's going on?
  8. And about my other question?
  9. Thanks! And how would I become a contributor? Also (sorry for all of the questions but that's why I'm here haha) like I was saying in my earlier post, I want to change the way entity updating can be modified. Would it be best to modify the CanUpdate event so you can cancel entity updates (instead of just allowing them when they are supposed to be cancelled) or should I make a new event where entity updates can be cancelled? Thanks
  10. What are the @@ things on the minecraft forge github files? For example @@ -59,8 +59,15 @@
  11. Ahh that makes more sense, sorry about that
  12. I'm following Draco18s's comment. He is talking about editing vanilla classes, which is a core mod
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