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Potato Coded

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Everything posted by Potato Coded

  1. no, I'm very sorry for all my trouble... I'm just new to modding...
  2. Have an example: https://github.com/diesieben07/Modjam-4/blob/master/src/main/java/mod/badores/event/FMLEventHandler.java#L62 ok... now where do I put this code...?
  3. Now... how would I give the item to the player when they first spawn into a world?
  4. I made a sort of "dummy" item and put it in the creative tab, and then I just had it change it's NBT data in the onUpdate() method and that seems to work fine
  5. so I can add NBT data to an ItemStack, but not an Item. so how do I get an Item with my custom NBT data into a creative tab. because when I run: example_item.getItem().setCreativeTab(tabExample);, it gives me a written book, named written book, with nothing in it...
  6. I know how to set the creative tab for an Item... not an ItemStack i use example_item.setcreativetab(tabExample);, but that's for an item. how would i do it for an itemstack?
  7. how would I set the creative tab and the texture for the item? It's an ItemStack, so I can set those properties to a type ItemStack...
  8. oh, ok! thank you so much! this really helped!
  9. I'm not familiar with a command class... how would I add it as a new item that I can craft and such?
  10. is that in your main mod class?
  11. the ItemEditableBook it extends already opens the book gui
  12. this I what I have so far... the book doesn't seem to do anything when I click it...
  13. I am trying to make a book to my mod filled with information about my mod(recipes, how to obtain items, what items do, etc.) that acts just like a normal written book in the sense that you can click to read it and such. I am trying to create a new book and add NBT data to it, but nothing will work. Can somebody please help me...?
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