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Everything posted by GamrCorps

  1. I am currently trying to install Forge MDK for Minecraft version 1.9.4. I use IntelliJ Idea for my IDE. I run gradlew setupDecompWorkspace --refresh-dependencies and gradlew genIntellijRuns (after importing the build.gradle file in IntelliJ). Here is the output: D:\Users\{ME}\Desktop\Particles Mod>gradlew setupDecompWorkspace --refresh-dependencies ################################################# ForgeGradle 2.2-SNAPSHOT-59f33ec https://github.com/MinecraftForge/ForgeGradle ################################################# Powered by MCP unknown http://modcoderpack.com by: Searge, ProfMobius, Fesh0r, R4wk, ZeuX, IngisKahn, bspkrs ################################################# :deobfCompileDummyTask :deobfProvidedDummyTask :getVersionJson :extractUserdev Download http://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/net/minecraftforge/forge/1.9.4- Download http://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/net/minecraftforge/forge/1.9.4- :extractDependencyATs SKIPPED :extractMcpData SKIPPED :extractMcpMappings SKIPPED :genSrgs SKIPPED :downloadClient SKIPPED :downloadServer SKIPPED :splitServerJar SKIPPED :mergeJars SKIPPED :deobfMcSRG Applying SpecialSource... Applying Exceptor... :decompileMc :fixMcSources :applySourcePatches :remapMcSources :recompileMc :extractNatives SKIPPED :getAssetIndex UP-TO-DATE :getAssets Current status: 604/1049 57% :makeStart :setupDecompWorkspace BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 4 mins 11.784 secs D:\Users\{ME}\Desktop\Particles Mod>gradlew genIntellijRuns ################################################# ForgeGradle 2.2-SNAPSHOT-59f33ec https://github.com/MinecraftForge/ForgeGradle ################################################# Powered by MCP unknown http://modcoderpack.com by: Searge, ProfMobius, Fesh0r, R4wk, ZeuX, IngisKahn, bspkrs ################################################# :genIntellijRuns BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 6.206 secs D:\Users\{ME}\Desktop\Particles Mod> However, when I look in IntelliJ, there are importing errors for the example project. After further inspection, there are no libraries listed in the project structure either. Any help is appreciated!
  2. Found the problem, just had to make sure that the list was filled before creating the comparator.
  3. I followed your tutorial, but it crashes every time I try to open the tab. Here is my current code: @Override public void displayAllRelevantItems(List<ItemStack> items) { super.displayAllRelevantItems(items); //Collections.sort(items, comparator); } ... public static Comparator<ItemStack> comparator = Ordering.explicit(ItemRegistry.creativeTabList).onResultOf(new Function<ItemStack, Item>() { @Override public Item apply(ItemStack input) { return input.getItem(); } }); Here is the crash: Time: 6/8/16 8:54 PM Description: Updating screen events com.google.common.collect.Ordering$IncomparableValueException: Cannot compare value: src.gamrcorps.particlesmod.item.particle.ItemParticleBase@11742b4f
  4. Here is my code for registering my items. Does anything stand out that may prevent the items from being sorted properly? The items are being set to the creative tab in their constructors. public static void registerItems() { registerItem(new ItemParticleBase("CreativeTabItem").setCreativeTab(null)); registerItem(new ItemParticleBase("Air")); registerItem(new ItemParticleBase("Water")); registerItem(new ItemParticleBase("Fire")); registerItem(new ItemParticleBase("Earth")); registerItem(new ItemParticleBase("Light")); registerItem(new ItemParticleBase("Energy")); registerItem(new ItemBindingAgentBase("Level1")); registerItem(new ItemBindingAgentBase("Level2")); registerItem(new ItemBindingAgentBase("Level3")); registerItem(new ItemBindingAgentBase("Level4")); registerItem(new ItemBindingAgentBase("Level5")); } public static void registerItem(Item item) { GameRegistry.register(item); }
  5. Ok, I have sorted out most of the problems, I just need to figure out how to correctly reference and assign the model names. Here is the current code: ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(TestMod.instance.hopperItemBlock, 0, new ModelResourceLocation("models/block/hopper_down")); ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(TestMod.instance.hopperItemBlock, 0, new ModelResourceLocation("models/block/hopper_side")); ModelLoader.setCustomStateMapper(TestMod.instance.hopper, (new StateMap.Builder()).ignore(new IProperty[]{BlockHopper.ENABLED}).build());
  6. How would I go about implementing ModelLoader#setCustomResourceLocation? I tried ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(Item.getItemFromBlock(MyMod.instance.hopper), 0, new ModelResourceLocation("block/hopper")); but it threw a NullPointerException.
  7. I've tried both extending the class and copying the code but neither change the model or texture of the block.
  8. I currently have a custom hopper which uses the exact same code as the vanilla hopper (accomplished by having BlockAdvancedHopper extend BlockHopper and TileEntityAdvancedHopper extend TileEntityHopper), but it is going gain additional functionality down the road. How do I make it so the custom hopper uses the same models and textures as the vanilla hopper? I have not been able to find anything on the subject, which is why I'm asking here. I'm using version 1.9.4 Forge. The block works just fine, the problem is just the model and texture.
  9. As the title says, I am having a problem where the mcmod.info and assets/paprpg/lang/en_US.lang are not working right. Here is my folder layout (I couldn't get the image feature to work): Also, I am using Minecraft Forge 1.7.10-
  10. Here is what I am trying to do: 1. Right click an item and open a GUI. 2. In the GUI, there are buttons you can press to change a NBT value of the item you right clicked with. Does anyone know an easy way of doing this? Any support and/or example code will be appreciated.
  11. I can't figure out how to make a crafting recipe where the item crafted has nbt already attached to it. Anyone know how to do it? And if possible is there a way to change the nbt based on the items it is being crafted with? Thanks!
  12. I cannot figure out how to reference external libraries like COFHLib or OpenModsLib in IntelliJ. Is it the same as normal libraries or do I have to do something special because of forge?
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