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Everything posted by Phyyrus

  1. Ok, so i made this Tile entity containing the following GUI http://prntscr.com/414882 Now Red means Fuel( I wanna make the fuel not be consumed, i wanna make it where it takes damage) Blue means import(where the ingridients go) Orange means Output. Now i wanna make it so that i place lets say, 2 iron and 1 diamond, and depending what recipie it is, depends on how long it will take, any help with this, plz? This is my GitHub: https://github.com/Phyyrus/Dark-Souls
  2. Hey there, i wanna add some swords, but theres one prob, its all divided into clases, ex. Katanas, daggers, Axes etc. And i dont wanna add a material for every single weapon. Is there another way i could set their durability and damage that isnt throught a Material, kinda like Tinker Construct Swords/tools
  3. Well, Cinema4D dosent give me any options, it just gives me the scaling http://prntscr.com/40ygzj
  4. http://prntscr.com/40yg29 Its not even trying to render the block it self, its not outputting the message This is my github https://github.com/Phyyrus/Dark-Souls
  5. What do you mean by "How did you make your .obj file?" if its what i think it is, i modeled it in Cinema4D and exported the file as an OBJ Model. This is the error im getting http://puu.sh/a3AJ3/0a85fb3290.png
  6. Ive spent hours searching and cant find anything, I did find this(http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Using_wavefront_model) buti get an error with the AdvancedLoader part
  7. What should i do then? To fix all of this, And BTW, this is the GUI im gonna use for my anvil and it wont exactly consume the hammer, what u want to to do is to take durability/time depending on what weapon your making The more complex the weapon the longer it will take and the more durability it will take
  8. Yes, i did, refresh and the files are in the assets package in INtelliJ, another thing to mention is the the front texture always points the opposite direction of an adjacent block This is what i mean
  9. Yes Sure Elyon "I watched it. Do you want a list?"
  10. Hey, im making the Tile entity, and im getting this texture error in-game http://prntscr.com/403vsn This is my GitHub, please someone tell me what i did wrong https://github.com/Phyyrus/Dark-Souls/blob/master/src/main/java/com/phyyrus/ds/TileEntity/TitaniteAnvil.java ^ Thats where my block is beaing coded at And this is the tutorial im following Edit: The furnace texture is gonna be temporary, i wanna make the tile entity a custom Rendered block
  11. I tried that, i just couldnt understand it, but im ok now
  12. Now to make my block a tile netity what do i do?
  13. I need help, im adding a block and i keep getting this error http://prntscr.com/3zsyaa
  14. Could someone tell me how to import an OBJ file into minecraft... Like tell me how big the model has to be to be a block
  15. Ok, so to start, the first block, in order to create the weapons is gonna be something called a Titanite Blacksmith anvil, it has to be a tile entity, how will i code that, ive search all over the internet and i havent been able to understand them and also i would like to make it a 3-d Model, kinda like the Vanilla Anvil
  16. Ok, but i dont wanna add like 30 materials for every sword, i wanna make it like, if the Weapon Class = dagger then do 4 hearts of damage, i dont wanna add 30 diffrent materials for each weapon class bcause also depending on what type of dagger it i, depends the durabiluty and the damage it does
  17. Hey there, i was wondering if anybody could help me making a Tinkers like upgrading system, the mod is gonna add a whole bunch of armor and weapons, what i wanna do is that i have this certain material, i place the material into the swrod and its ginna be +1, then +2 then +3, after that i want it to require a higher tier material in order to go up to+6and so on and forth until +10
  18. This is my git https://github.com/Phyyrus/Dark-Souls
  19. I did, then this happened http://prntscr.com/3zitee This is my code BTW Main Class http://prntscr.com/3zitjf ItemTwinkleTitanite class http://prntscr.com/3zitob ModItems class http://prntscr.com/3zittt
  20. Thank you very much, and your correct, im really new to this EDIT: I get this error with override http://prntscr.com/3zitee This is my code BTW Main Class http://prntscr.com/3zitjf ItemTwinkleTitanite class http://prntscr.com/3zitob ModItems class http://prntscr.com/3zittt
  21. http://prntscr.com/3ziizs And on the overdrive it says Anotations not allowed here
  22. No not karma, i meant the hasEffect overdirve is what give me an error
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