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Everything posted by Failender
Well. Where is the correct location? Texture files(items) go into assets.modid.textures.items , right? Is there any documentation how to correctly register the items (including location of jsons / textures and correct usage of ModelRegistryEvent)? readthedocs is not complete in that regard. @SubscribeEvent public void registerModel(ModelRegistryEvent event) { registerItem(ITEM_LEARN_SCROLL); } private void registerItem(Item item) { ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(item, 0, new ModelResourceLocation(item.getRegistryName(), "inventory")); }
So I am still fighting the following error And I have no idea how to fix it and would be glad to get any input relating this issue
@SubscribeEvent public void registerItems(RegistryEvent.Register<Item> event) { event.getRegistry().registerAll(ProgressingPlayer.ITEM_LEARN_SCROLL); } @Awesome_Spider
The absolute path of the texture is E:/MinecraftModding/ProgressingPlayer/bin/assets/progressingplayer/textures/items/learnscroll.png, the relative path is src/main/resources/assets/progressingplayer/textures/items/learnscroll.png
This gives my mod a location, but he is still complaining about hte missing texture.
my clientproxy contains nothing related to that.
my modid is lowercase. Chhonster is also creating them in his testmod, and I wasnt sure if it could help, since I cant find any documentation about them https://github.com/Choonster/TestMod3/blob/1.11.2/src/main/resources/pack.mcmeta
Im not sure how to fix that to be honest. I created a pack.mcmeta and placed it under src/main/resources Choonster post is only telling that resource files should be named using lower-case only, which my items are doing?
Well I thought the new way would do that for me, but I was unable to find a page where the new way is documented. And its complaining about a missing resource, so I thought I am registering it wrong?
Hey there, I am having problems registering the textures for my items. I know that I am missing something seriously obvious and hope that some1 can point me in the right direction. I got the following item-class public class ItemLearnScroll extends Item{ public ItemLearnScroll() { setMaxStackSize(1); setUnlocalizedName("learnscroll"); //For testing until i got my own tab setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.FOOD); setRegistryName("learnscroll"); } } I register the item in the event @SubscribeEvent public void registerItems(RegistryEvent.Register<Item> event) { event.getRegistry().registerAll(ProgressingPlayer.ITEM_LEARN_SCROLL); } src/main/resources/assets/progressingplayer/models/item/learnscroll.json { "parent": "item/generated", "textures": { "layer0": "progressingplayer:items/learnscroll" } } The texture is located under src/main/resources/assets/progressingplayer/texures/items/learnscroll.png The item is registered, but got no texture This is the important error log I would be glad if someone could tell me where my error is. Greetz, Failender
There is no point in using SideOnly(Server). Don't use it
Why my GuiHandler gives error [1.7.10][Unsolved]
Failender replied to avaikulis's topic in Modder Support
Show the error? -
Most of that can be done with events, no need for changing vanilla classes. For everything else you can use ASM, but I don't recommend it
Where did you put the jar
If you would know what extending a class means you wouldnt be asking this to me right now. The point is you cant write a propper minecraft mod without knowing java.
You extend the class EntityArrow just to copy paste all of it.. So this will sound rude buuuuuut.. learn java.
that sounds cool
Oh yeah forgot about that one. You better do what diesieben said its way better x)
override onItemRightClick and there open the gui via player.openGui(); you will need a GuiHandler and all that stuff set up to make that work.
[1.8] How can I change item's NBT during crafting
Failender replied to KriszDev's topic in Modder Support
create ur own implementation of IRecipe and in getCraftingResult add the needed NBT to the stack before returning it -
Look how BlockFurnace keeps his tileEntity
well. setting a new block also creates a new tileentity unless you tell it to not do so.. i guess tahts your problem. You are incrementing the olive count. playing your animation. that creates a new tileentity and heyo you got a count of 0
if (((Integer)state.getValue(PRESS)).intValue() >= 3) { world.setBlockState(pos, state.withProperty(PRESS, Integer.valueOf(0))); } else { world.setBlockState(pos, state.withProperty(PRESS, Integer.valueOf(((Integer)state.getValue(PRESS)).intValue()) + 1)); } what exactly are you triing in your onBlockActivatedMethod with that
1. dont use the example mod create your own 2. use code tags [nobbc] [/nobbc] 3. if u got a crash show us ur crash log (u can use spoiler tags there) 4. you are never initliazing myFirstItem, so it will always be null