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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Failender

  1. why are you using listener if it is ur own dimension? If u dont want entities to spawn there remove them from the spawn list?
  2. well the thing is normally thats not a gud thing. imagine if some1 tries to add a weapon enchantment to an armor? may cause HUGE problems. thats why i think its not in forge and might never be
  3. stop bumping every 2 hours. if some1 is reading he will answer.
  4. http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/mapping-and-modding-tutorials/1571567-forge-1-6-4-1-8-eventhandler-and srsly use google
  5. I think we already had this here once.. just with a bow. sad story : you need to recreate every enchantment you want for ur ring x)
  6. well. in the block place event iterate over the list with a foreach loop and check if it is the desired one
  7. u cant subscribe only for one block. but you can do if else checks to find out if it is the desired block. is it one of ur blocks or vanilla?
  8. you mean you are looking for advice on coding a multitextured block?
  9. u can take these values from the player. should be pitch yaw aaaaand.. dont know what the third was.. raw? search ur ide for it EDIT: i think it was roll pitch and yaw
  10. public class ItemCable extends Item{ private static TileEntity_Electric lastTile; i told you this already in two other posts. DONT USE STATIC if you have NO idea what it is doing. Dont save variables in the item classs u need to use NBT if u want them to save data
  11. i think pickaxe must be lowercase in set harvest level.
  12. public void drawTexturedModalRect(int x, int y, int textureX, int textureY, int width, int height)
  13. drawTexturedModalRect takes the startX, startY, sizeX, and sizeY as args.. use ur IDE
  14. if you would know a bit about java you would know.. reworking can smelt and smeltitem should do everything
  15. also where r u registering custom recipes? I wont search your whole repo for that give us some more information if u want help srsly
  16. 1. your code formatting is a total mess and nearly unreadable. 2. you just copied vanilla code and hoped that itll work. private boolean canSmelt() { if (this.Total_slots[0] == null) { return false; } else { ItemStack itemstack = FurnaceRecipes.instance().getSmeltingResult(this.Total_slots[0]); if (itemstack == null) return false; if (this.Total_slots[2] == null) return true; if (!this.Total_slots[2].isItemEqual(itemstack)) return false; int result = Total_slots[2].stackSize + itemstack.stackSize; return result <= getInventoryStackLimit() && result <= this.Total_slots[2].getMaxStackSize(); //Forge BugFix: Make it respect stack sizes properly. } } you want to use ur custom recipes, but you are chjecking for FurnaceRecipes.
  17. define not working. I wont read a whole git repo without knowing anyhting
  18. and diesieben gave you the solution. u just need to learn java and understand it
  19. im agreeing with diesieben. if you do not understand that you shouldnt make an orientable block. so dont ask for any other help.
  20. all so complicated.. just use this http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,23133.0.html
  21. First things first. There are some serious problems in your code. 1. EntityPlayerSP user = Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer; Why are you doing that? There is no need to do that and also this will crash if you load the mod on a server, because the Minecraft class is Client sided. 2. public Events(ChatControlMain main) { classMain = main; } There is really no need to save a reference to ur main class in ur Events class if ur Main class has a static instance. Right now I am not sure why ur events arent getting called.
  22. Why are you passing this as arg for the events class..? Show the whole classes pls Dat misslick on thank you tho
  23. if(bool) addSlotToContainer..?
  24. Yes thats possible. Should also be possible, but take some mind power to make it work. U could simply do checks like "if the block is in the lowest row only output if the tank is 20% filled"
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