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Everything posted by Failender

  1. And please please please use code tags in future
  2. Correct me if I am wrong, but minecraft isnt coded in 1.8, so you cant use lambda expressions.
  3. check this for more informations https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/reflect/member/ctorInstance.html
  4. I was still reading your code so I dont found the reason right now :'D AbstractPacket pkt = clazz.newInstance(); you are creating a new instance of the class there, without arguments, thats why it failed before because it was unable to find the nullary constructor.
  5. http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/InstantiationException.html
  6. If you know how to check for sprinting The Rest is easy. Just save The last tick Position ,check distance between Position now (easy vector math) and add that to a variable that saves The distance run for that player
  7. of course absolute.
  8. before you build projects always clean up unused imports and all the other warnings eclipse is throwing at you
  9. Because if you look at the error message it is telling you that it cant find a package that is called " com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api" I tracked the error a bit and found out that it seems to be in java by default, seems like forge doesnt knows that. So u mihgt think about dont using it
  10. Let me guess. You are using an api in your mod?
  11. To check if it is the desired multiblock make if checks like (pseudocode incoming) if(world.getBlock(x,y,z) == Blocks.stone && world.getBlock(x,y,z)==Blocks.wood) setBooleanToTrue() I dont know what the getBlock method in 1.7 was so u need to find that out urself. And about the texture. I think you could use metadata to do that
  12. 1. DONT implement WorldGenerator in your main class. Create a new class, or your code will get really messy. 2. Did you tried using sysos? Check if generate gets called?
  13. Check out RenderGameOverlayEvent event. @SubscribeEvent(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL) public void onRenderHotBar(RenderGameOverlayEvent event) { if(event.type==ElementType.HOTBAR) renderCrazyExtraStuff(); }
  14. Are you translating that in ur lang file?
  15. sorry I was missreading there. my bad. ignore it pls
  16. I wont be spoonfeeding you. Your class isnt that long, take a look inside it
  17. first of all. in your flame staff you are also spawning entites on client side. DONT DO THAT. the server spawns and tells the client that sth has spawned
  18. there were some arguments that you can pass in your launch settings, I will need to search a bit for them, but they exist
  19. 1. No need to have a reference to The event handler Object in ur Main 2. dont Register one event handler to two busses. If u have events for different busses create two classes
  20. Ur container looks fine to me. I can imagine that The Problem is that you are only opening The gui in client side. Show gui handler and where you open The gui pls
  21. Why do you want to access your TE if you want to make the drops depending on the state?
  22. I am really not sure, but this could be a problem with ur java/firewall blocking things that should not be blocked.
  23. took me a while, but I got it now, thank you very much!
  24. to be honest.. I have no idea what I am reading there.
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