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  1. Depends upon what you are trying to do, if you're trying create additional recipes for stamps it's pretty simple, you make like a normal recipe, pulling the stamp id from somewhere If you're trying to change what Forestry's recipe produce, it's likely not possible
  2. Pretty simple, is super-classing the vanilla MineCraft blocks/item/whatever a good idea? The reason I ask is that I'm looking at doing something with a modified Leaves Block and I want to know if super-classing BlockLeaves is a smart move
  3. What do you need ModLoader for?
  4. Latest is even worse, dex3r, it doesn't de-compile
  5. Tale of Kingdoms is for MC 1 and 1.1, your using a MC 1.4 version of Forge I believe
  6. LexManos, what Forge is the latest 'Good', because I'm getting this error as well with the recommended 436, but when I try and use 442 and 443 (the two latest builds according to the downloads section) I get this error when I try and de-compile: ================ Forge ModLoader Setup Start =================== MCP Detected already, not downloading Setting up MCP > Backing up commands.py Patching file C:\Minecraft modding\1.4.5\mcp723\runtime\commands.py patching file commands.py Commands patch applied successfully Copying FML conf Traceback (most recent call last): File "install.py", line 47, in <module> main(os.path.abspath('..')) File "install.py", line 18, in main setup_mcp(fml_dir, mcp_dir, True) File "C:\Minecraft modding\1.4.5\mcp723\forge\fml\fml.py", line 757, in setup_ mcp if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(mcp_eclipse, 'Client')) and os.path.isdir(os.p ath.join(eclipse_dir, 'Server')): NameError: global name 'eclipse_dir' is not defined Press any key to continue . . . I think it's some sort of trouble with the python script
  7. The why Eloraam assigns the block ID is the same way everybody else assigns block ID's, Forge doesn't throw a hissy fit if you try and use a vanilla ID, only ones already used by mods
  8. Debating as to weather or not something is a bad programing or not is beyond the scope of these boards As to weather or not it works? How do you think Eloraam gets spreading mossy cobblestone? Take a look inside Redpower World and you'll see a file called BlockCobbleMossifier.class, it's a new mossy cobblestone block, when ID's are assigned she simply has Forge assign this block the normal mossy cobblestone ID. The reason this works is that when Minecraft does terrain generation it works on ID's, not actual objects
  9. You make a ore Block like normal (no generation or the like but), can probably just super-class the original ore block to make it quicker, but change the drop method(s) to do what you need, then when assigning ID's just use the ID of the ore you want to replace
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