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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. still empty, has my assets and com folder but nothing inside.
  2. I can't seem to find anything, in eclipse everything works fine as it is in src/main/java and the mcmod.info in src/main/resources but I can't seem to find it in here! I don't want to risk updating my mod now that I can't find any src. Please help!
  3. This has taken a lot of pressure off me, but what about structures that are generated? There is no mod.blockname.blockid anymore (silly mojang). Do you not need this anymore, is there an alternative to blockid? And it would be very nice if you redirected me to a generating structure tutorial that is not 1.6.4.
  4. I am really confused, I know that forge automatically assigns ids, but I am afraid that if I make a structure generate, or update the mod. All the blocks will be reset, this is a very big issue as my mod is a build blocks mod. And if the blocks were to be removed then good structures would mess up. Including generated ones, is there any way around this?
  5. Thank you! I reorder the GameRegistries and started a new world, and it works perfectly! Thank you very much.
  6. So I have a creative tab that has a whole bunch of stuff all over the place, I sorted my "public static final Block foo;" in my main class file (workspace) so I thought that would do it right? Well, it's still all over the place. I have done this before but now I can't seem to get it to "refresh" If there is any other, better way please tell me that too. Also, I am quite a basic java programmer so nothing too complex please
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