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Everything posted by KINGDoge

  1. There is no log. I click play in the launcher and the launcher quits like it should and thats it. Edit: Sorry. My mistake. I'll make a new thread. Hadn't seen the log in this thread.
  2. I have the same problem with each and every version of Forge. I made a clean install and everything but it still doesn't work.
  3. I know that it is easy to change to 1.7.10 i already did it, but it crahes because of my 1.7.2 mods - which i know is normal- but i want both - a normal bed and my mods What do i have to change for the bed glitch? I mean inside of forge 1.7.2 not a version change.
  4. But my mods for 1.7.2 will be useless right? ._. If so, can somebody tell me how to change forge 1.7.2 to fix it :c?
  5. Is it fixed now? Which version of forge do i need?
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