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Everything posted by gosaints70

  1. That fixed it, thanks TGG!
  2. So I tested my mod in a regular Minecraft client after building it. When I tested it I noticed that many textures are missing that were there in the Eclipse executor. I've tried refreshing my dependencies but that didn't fix it. I checked the jar file and the textures are there. Any ideas about what happened?
  3. SOLVED! For anyone who cares the problem was this. This was located in WorldGenFlowers. I solved it by making a new WorldGenFlowers and changing it to this. Thanks to everyone who helped!
  4. Thanks, that fixed one crash, but now i get this one. It looks like .setBlock is causing another problem during generation.
  5. That's the problem, and it looks like .setBlock is causing it. Is there a replacement for it or should I not use WorldGenFlowers?
  6. I don't see anywhere in my flower files where I am calling anything relating to liquids. I may be doing this elsewhere though. Could it be something in the BlockBush class I extended for the flowers?
  7. Hi, I have gotten my flower generation to work flawlessly, except for the crashes. I can't tell exactly what is causing the crash other than there being too much generation happening at once. Is there any way I can fix this? I read on another thread that the java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/world/World$2 is caused by an infinite loop, but when I keep it to one or two flowers there is no crash. Thanks in advance! Crash Report Flower Code
  8. Ugh that was so obvious >.> Thanks Eternaldoom
  9. Hello, I am having issues with generating my custom flowers in vanilla biomes. I have tried playing around with WorldGenFlowers but I can't make any sense of it due to the obfuscated code. I may be missing something obvious there. Can someone point me in the right direction?
  10. That could work, but after the cave is generated would the ores that are supposed to only spawn in the cave still generate?
  11. Hi there, I was curious how I would go about making a custom cave. I basically want to change stone into four different blocks. It is annoying because from what I see it generates the caves by removing stone, rather than adding air. Any ideas?
  12. Hi, so my friend made me a waveform model and when i added it in to the game it crashed saying it was in an incorrect format. Is this a problem with the file or with forge? Crash
  13. man i KNEW that would be simple. thanks for the help
  14. Hi, I have been playing around with adding a wavefront model into Minecraft without much luck. I have been stuck on renderEngine because i cannot figure out how to define it without throwing an error. I have tried TextureManager and ResourceManager. What format is it supposed to be defined in? Attempts
  15. You see that? You answered my question. Was that so hard?
  16. why cant people just answer the damn questions? If I don't know how to do one thing why is the first thing they say "learn java"?
  17. Hi, I wanted to add my custom flower to my custom biome (Crystal Forest), but when i attempted this.flowers.add(BlockManager.(flowername) it is apparently in the wrong syntax. How would I do this?
  18. "The object net.sciencecraft.machines.Grinder@7c1f7ea has been registered twice for the same name ScienceCraft:GrinderIdle" could this have anything to do with it?
  19. Ok, I found what actually changes the color of the block
  20. Hey there, I was curious how you removed foliage color. I have been playing around with it, but the only thing I managed to do was turn it into a completely black block. Anyone know how to do this? CustomLeafBlock (Up to my attempts to change the color)
  21. Thank you! I tried what you said, and it worked! It diffidently makes it easier if you extend block bush though.
  22. Hi, I have looked all over and I can not find a tutorial on how to make a flower/flower blocks. I have attempted to replicate the file for the flowers, but it did not work. I also added ItemFlowerBlock but that didn't help either. Flower Main File ItemFlowerBlock
  23. what exactly do you mean by the resource domain? I thought you were just supposed to add the path to the song.
  24. I made the sounds.json, but I am still getting the same error. Did I make it wrong? sounds.json
  25. no, how would i make that?
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