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Everything posted by XEZKalvin

  1. Not sure but I think that you'll get a step further maybe if you do this: Put this line: GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_BLEND); Above this line: GL11.glBlendFunc(GL11.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL11.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); Not sure but I think it may work, at least worth trying After that you can try replacing: GL11.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA With GL11.GL_ONE
  2. I'm not sure since I'm on my mobile right now but I think in your hoe class you should add a method that you can find in Item.java. Not completely sure what it was called but I think it was getStrengthVsBlock(some stuff here) and I think you can then return that it is stronger when it hits your block.
  3. Maybe you can try examinig Vanilla texture fx. Change some things here and there and then see what the changes are ingame. Try to see what everything does and then you are maybe good to go.
  4. I don't think it matters. I've done it too for my mod but only for recipes for which I need to be sure that items of other mods are initialised. Since that's commonly done during the Init phase.
  5. Ahh I see, I think you just have to rename 'public static void initModEnumMaterial()' to 'public ModEnumMaterial()' since I think the reason that it crashes is that initModEnumMaterial() not gets called before there's a call to the ModItems class cousing it to not get assigned and couse a null pointer exception. Try it
  6. Would you please show your ModEnumMaterial.java sice it seems to crash on that.
  7. I was examining the code for the furnace recipes lately and I found that the metadata sensitive version of furnace recipes doesn't match the vanilla way of doing it. In the vanilla code the experience value is bound to the result of a recipe and in forge it is bound to the Item to be smelted but not to the result of that recipe cousing it not to give any experience(at least not if the resulting Item can't be smleted into another item).
  8. For as far as I can see, the inventory doesn't get assigned in the container. this would mean that the rpginventory in the container always = null.
  9. In CommonProxy you need to put the same methods returnig either nothing or null and in clienproxy you put the same methods but with what the client should return or do. for as far as I know, if you do it correctly, it will automaticaly take clientproxy on client side and common proxy on the server side, if not you might end up that it uses CommonProxy for both.
  10. Thanks for the tip on that. I just recently found out how to use it but I didn't think of that. Now I have only one thing: do you know if there's a way in the renderer to flip a texture verticaly. I know there is one for horizontal but I couldn't find one for vertical. Edit: Never mind. Already found it out
  11. I need IBlockAcces and coordinates to make my mod work better with other mods that use their own texture file. I'd like it to be equivalent to the method that gets the normal block texture (this one): public int getBlockTexture(IBlockAccess par1IBlockAccess, int par2, int par3, int par4, int par5) { return this.getBlockTextureFromSideAndMetadata(par5, par1IBlockAccess.getBlockMetadata(par2, par3, par4)); } I need to be able to acces the tileEntity before I can make it work correctly. My mod is open-source and you can see what I mean if you see how I get the normal textures in this file.
  12. Can't you make it that LAN does the same as the server when you enter no IP so it just uses all the IP's available with one port number?
  13. I don't really see any point of changing the way it works except for the fact that it always takes a random port which makes port forwarding really stupid. But why does it also take a different IP then?
  14. I fixed it, it should work in the update. (3.0.2)
  15. It doesn't "require" an ID if you only have one gui. I think you just have to make sure you set up your GuiHandler correctly and the it will be fine.
  16. I think it might help if you look at the tutorials on the wiki here: http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Tutorials Most of them are outdated so do not copy any code completly since there mostly are class name changes and packet changes. But I suggest you find out how to use a custom texture sheet first.
  17. Hello, I'm the creator of the mod and I'll look into this. I think I know the solution on the versionBounds thing. I think the problem is that I thought it was Forge version checks but now I thinks it's the version check of the mod itself. Anyway, I had no problems at all while testing but I'll change the versionbounds anyway.
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