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Everything posted by Kander16

  1. This reply is very helpful! Thanks, it now works fine and I now understand much more about the java code. Thank you for helping!
  2. Ok, I have my crop dropping '3' at stage 5, 6 and 7. and 1 seed at the other stages. But I have still a problem: Sometimes my log says my plant that is fully grown has stage 0 (or other) what means that I get sometimes seeds when its fully grown. Thanks. I tried your switch and break, case thing, but my break gives an error, "Unreacheble code" but, This is my code: http://pastebin.com/jtMQB3Vs Thanks.
  3. I think I know what it getDrops is now, But I have some trouble with my stages. I now got multiple items at the last stage, but I want "green paprika" at stage 5, "yellow paprika" at stage 6, "red paprika" at stage 7. Otherwise, just the seeds. Here's my code: http://pastebin.com/rwVCQdny
  4. What do i return then?
  5. http://pastebin.com/WhLqyp3e
  6. Hello, I got a bit of a problem with my crop. I wanted that my plant (when its fully grown) drops 1 --> 2 seeds and 1 --> 3 "strawberry's", the only problem that I have is when I add public int quantityDropped (Random random) { return 1+r.nextInt(3); } It counts for both, as well the strawberry's and seeds. I wanted to have a quantitydropped for my strawberry's, and one for my seeds. How do I do that? Thanks.
  7. Thank you. Diesieben07
  8. Thank you. Diesieben07
  9. Maybe this works? http://pastebin.com/aLHHZ9hP
  10. Ok. How do i create a numer from 0-4?
  11. Ok, but where in this code? @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public IIcon getIcon(int side, int metadata) { if (metadata < 7) { if (metadata == 6) { metadata = 5; } return this.iconArray[metadata >> 1]; } else { return this.iconArray[4]; } Cause i don't see where you get the values 0-2 It doesn't have to do anything with return this.iconArray[metadata >> 1]; ?
  12. Do you know how to fix this then?
  13. So, return this.iconArray[3]; need to be changed to 4, from 0-4 (5 icons)?
  14. Then what do I do, cause i use the code from blockcarrot.class, that crop has 4 stages and uses also uses this code: @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public IIcon getIcon(int side, int metadata) { if (metadata < 7) { if (metadata == 6) { metadata = 5; } return this.iconArray[metadata >> 1]; } else { return this.iconArray[3]; }
  15. So, i need to change something in this line? return this.iconArray[3] --> return this.iconArray[4];
  16. Hmmm, I am trying to figure it out. What does it needs to be? 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4? @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public IIcon getIcon(int side, int metadata) { if (metadata < 7) { if (metadata == 6) { metadata = 5; } return this.iconArray[metadata >> 1]; } else { return this.iconArray[3]; } }
  17. Also, i don't know if my crop grows all my stages. Could you please take a look at this? My crop should grow 5 stages, but i think it skipped the 4th stage. Thanks.
  18. It works, thank you.
  19. Ok, but where did you find 'getPlantType'? (in what class file)
  20. There you go: http://pastebin.com/4u86w7q9 Also, my crop won't go to the 5th stage, the crop is ready for harvesting when its at stage 4. I can see it cause the block hasn't loaded the 5th stage.
  21. Hello, I have a problem with my crops, everytime i jump on it, the farmland becomes dirt. But my crop isn't destroyed (It keeps just growing at the dirt) and i wanted to fix that but i don't know how, i uses the BlockCarrot code for my other crops, but that does not fix it. Thanks
  22. Ok, thanks I'll wait until that mod is done.
  23. ? it isn't possible?
  24. Hello, I have a question about custom lamps, I wanted to have a lamp that gives you a color when its on. I know how to create a new lamp, but how do i create a new lamp with other colors? Thanks
  25. Yes, it works! Know I know what I was forgotten. Just the @Override Anotation with public boolean isBed(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z, EntityLivingBase player) { return this == Living.blockBlueBed; } In it. Also, is there a way to work more efficient, like return this == Living.blockBlueBed OR Living.blockOrangeBed? Thanks!
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