So I have messed my code up and I registered KeyBindings that were null. Now this did not give me any sort of crash or error. But the result was that I could not load or save video settings and when I would open the key config MC would crash with a null pointer. So please add something like "if(key==null)throw new NullPointerException("Key can't be null!");" in ClientRegistry#registerKeyBinding before adding the binding to the list.
So I (and apparently many people) really need a render item event or something to replace the IItemRenderer! The closest thing that I found is net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderItem.renderItemModelTransform. So is it doable? Or even better can the IItemRenderer be revived? For an example of how we need it is that 50% rendering items is impossible without it.
I sincerely hope that this can be done.
I am trying to find a replacement for the custom item rendering class! And there is no way to do fancy openGl and tessellator (Now Worldrenderer) or model rendering with items!
So if any forge developers or mods see this I am BEGGING you please please bring back IItemRenderer or something that will run on every render loop and it will give me the itemstack and the ItemRenderType (in what form item is rendered. In hand, as an entity, etc...)
Because I don't think that there is a way to do rendering of items like I do in 1.8 with IBakedModels!
I know that you can still use the TileEntity special render class but one for the items is deprecated and removed from minecraft code where it is sopousted to run!
That means that we are going to have to do some serious hacks to set up something that could provide the similar resouces for rendering!
If there is no way to do it than I will have to say bye bye to my advanced item rendering!
I have a problem with rendering...
So I have this function that gets an itemStack,scale,x,y in gui!
And I have used this code in mc 1.7
But now in 1.8 all rendering funcrions that I used are deprecated and not used!
So how do I replace it?