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Everything posted by TheEpicTekkit

  1. Okay, so how would I go about making it out of multiple blocks? I have never done that before. I know the world.setBlock method, but how would I make all of the gag blocks have the same gui, because I would have thought that having a bolck made of multiple blocks would cause the gag blocks to have a different inventory. for example, if I open the gui from the bottom block, and place something inside, then opened the gui from another block, the items would only be in the bottom block because the gag blocks would have a new instance of the tileEntity for each one, as if they were individual wind turbines in the world. so I would end up with 10 different inventories for a 10 block tall model.
  2. Right, so it still hasn't worked properly, it has set the blockbounds correctly, but it displays them only when i hover over the default 1x1x1 space which is what it did before. How do I attach a screenshot to my post? i wanna show u what is happening
  3. testing it now. takes a little while to load for 2 reasons, 1 i have a few other mods in the dev space to test compatability, and 2 I have a bad pc
  4. ah, never mind, I figured it out, it was referencing minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ in Block.class woops, lol
  5. Okay, let me try this, and i'll update you on how it went. Also, i tried the AxisAlignBB thing you said as it was a bit different from the one i already had, and for the setBlockBounds bit it has an error and says "create method setBlockBounds(double, double, double, double, double, double) i tried changing it to this.setBlockBounds.... and it still had the same error.
  6. I have tried this (I should have actually included that bit in my first post) this just sets the block bounds, the actual hitbox is still only 1x1x1 and I still can go through any other part of the model and place blocks inside the blockbounds. I still dont know how mc allows that.
  7. Hello everyone, sorry to bother you again, but I have some questions about a custom rendered block that is larger than 1 block. I am still working on my wind turbine, and I would like to do two things that I have been trying to figure out all day. One: I cant seem to figure out how to set the hitbox for the model (it is about 1.4 blocks in width and depth, and 10 blocks high), I can set the block bounds, but I can still walk through it (I cant walk through the bottom part because that is solid as it is in 1x1x1 space but I can walk through any part of it above that) also, the block bounds don't show up unless I mouse over the bottom 1x1x1 space that actually has the hitbox. Is it possible to extend the hitbox of the block to a space larger than 1 block without using invisible gag blocks. And if I do end up having to use gag blocks, how would I go about doing this, would I need a different gag block for different models larger that 1 block, or would I be able to use the same gag block with different metadata? and how would I make all the gag blocks disappear if one is broken. two: how would I make the rendered model face the player when placed? I know how to make normal block face the player, but it doesn't work for a custom rendered block. I have got this in the block class: Now, what do I have to add to the renderer class or block class to make this rotate the model? Thanks for your help.
  8. Sorry, but I still don't understand, i cant figure out what to do, i cant add IBlockAccess to renderTileEntityAt like public void renderTileEntityAt(IBlockAccess iblockAccess, TileEntity tileEntity, double x, double y, double z, float f) {... so what do I do?
  9. ok, thanks for the help. But what does the # mean?
  10. OK thankyou for your help. now the energy and rotor speed is independent. The reason I was using the static modifier was because other classes were referencing the tileEntityWindTurbine and was giving an error saying to change to static, so this now gives me another problem, things like rendering the rotor is now the same accross all turbines (I have 3 different types of rotors, and it renders the type in the inventory), I have created an instance of the wind turbines tileentity TileEntityWindTurbine instance; and made a constructer public TileEntityWindTurbine() { this.instance = this; } so this seems to have fixed one problem, but created another. Sorry if I seem like a bit of a noob to java, I am new to it. oh, and right now, I am reading up about static modifiers (and some other stuff in java I don't understand)
  11. So I am having a problem with my tileentity for a wind turbine I am working on, I have got the wind turbine in the game, it is rendered correctly, and I don't crash when using it (except for shift clicking items into it) but, when I place more than one in the world, two strange things happen, one: the turbine rotor spins faster (I know this is an issue with the TileEntityRendererWindTurbine.class, but I cant figure out what exactly the issue is) and two: the second wind turbine I place in the world has the same amount of power as the first one, and it doubles the output speed, if I add a third one, it triples the output speed and makes the rotor spin even faster. I think the wind turbine isn't creating a new tileentity when it is added, and it is using all the data from the first wind turbine, but even that is strange because the items aren't duplicated across all the wind turbines, they are only in the one I place them in, only power is. Here is my code (Just ask me if you need to see any other relavent classes)
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