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    On my chair in my TARDIS
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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. I'm wondering if there is any way to get items loaded in order? E.G. Sword, Helmet, Chestplate, Leggings, Boots, Sword, Helmet, Chestplate, Leggings, Boots, etc.; or Leather, Chain, Iron, Gold, Diamond? It's rather annoying to go and add in one item at a time.
  2. BUGFIX: Download Fixes furnace recipe.
  3. Download: http://www.2shared.com/file/LzIIpbpt/ThePhysician2000s_Furniture_Mo.html
  4. I've got this block: And I am wondering, what is a fast, simple way I can render this as an item? I have heard that there are several, and I was just wondering which was the best.
  5. I get the same thing, only I type "gradlew setupDecompWorkspace".
  6. Even thought I don't use/own a server, this seems practical. Congrats.
  7. I think something more consistent, like 0F = 0o; 1F = 90o; 2F = 180o; rather than 0F = 0o; 1F = 90o; 2F = 135o;
  8. Thanks for the feedback! I added the thread link and intend to post a changelog.
  9. {NOW IN OPEN PRE-ALPHA} {NOW IN OPEN BETA} Want more than beds and bookshelves to decorate your house? This mod will add: Chairs that don't push you into the roof; Lamps and Ceiling lights; Tables with four legs; Armor shelves that hold up to twelve pieces; And more. [spoiler=Downloads] Beta 0.1 Beta 0.2 Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta [spoiler=Other forum Threads] http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/wip-mods/2184368-wip-finally-beta-1-0-0-1-having-a-problem Changelog (since 28/10/2014): Released Beta; Fixed furnace recipe being overwritten [spoiler=2015/2/15 Released Beta The Wooden Renders Update;] ~{Changes}~ Changed "Silicon Carbonate" names to "Silicon Carbide" names; Fixed Chair texture; "Refectory Table (#1)" now named "Refectory Table 1", followed by the appropriate wood name; "Refectory Table (#2)" now named "Refectory Table 2", followed by the appropriate wood name; Item Renders re-added and working; .lang file stuff; ~{Additions}~ Added Flamestone, a replacement for Silicon Carbide; Wood variations for Refectory Table 1; Wood variations for Refectory Table 2; Added Incandescent Bulb; Model Rocket model added, but not yet implemented; Added mcmod.info; Added Flamestone Block, ALE; Terms Of Use
  10. The answer is obvious when you do as Chibill said and then look at what you just posted. Don't be an ass just because you don't know what you're doing and are being told that you don't. (Edit: I even made an attempt to point it out for you.) 1. I am attempting to learn Java through modding. So, yeah, I am a noob. 2. I am not "being an ass" because everyone is telling me I don't know Java, all I said was when I remove all static from functions, it throws an error because it needs a global variable. To put it another way: "How do I stop this error?" 3. You are contradicting yourself. You first say: "you don't know what you're doing" and then you attempt to "point it out" where my error is. Now, if I am a noob, like both of us agree, how am I going to understand where I went wrong by simply italicizing a .class name of all things?
  11. I DID, and it throws an error on this line: int facing = TileEntityThisEndUpSeat.getFacingDirection(); It says needs one of them to be static: the very one that is causing the problem: getFacingDirection.
  12. It throws an error on this line: int facing = TileEntityThisEndUpSeat.getFacingDirection();
  13. I have come across yet another problem: rotating blocks. EDIT: This bit is fixed, but it throws an error on this line in the TileEntityRender Class: int facing = TileEntityThisEndUpSeat.getFacingDirection(); Block Class: TileEntity Class: TileEntityRender Class:
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