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Everything posted by Ashillion

  1. Ok, so I have been working on this as well, I only have 5 Biomes needed for my Dimension. Problem is I have looked into GenLayer and its subclasses, WorldChunkManagerGenerate and ChunkProviderGenerate. But each file seems to lead to More and More of them... In this last try i ended up basically Building EVERY file used to create the Overworld.... this in turn had one of two effects.... 1. My dimension Ignored its Biomes or 2 It Borked the Loading of the Overworld. Could someone with Knowledge of this maybe give a List of the Files that need to be made? and Possibly some pointers of exactly what Has to be different between the original and the custom files? If only one of the Dimension Mods that has done this would be open source I would have a Guide to work from. But so far I cannot find any that are. I understand making a tutorial would be a PITA. SO asking or hoping for one would be a mute point.
  2. Also if looking for helpful tutorials.... These video tutorials are pretty handy as well. http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF7532660393FF8E2
  3. I have resisted Forge for some time, Just making my Mods with modloader. But this leaves me without the use of many mods that either use many sprites or are already forge based. Now I have come over to forge only to find my suspicions to be true. It seems that those "in the know" of FORGE's inner workings are not keen on sharing that knowledge. I have basic Java knowledge, not advanced for sure.... I spend more time on Ruby script and other languages that were required of me to be proficient in. I program in not one, not two, but five other languages... with expert skill. So I am not stupid. Just ignorant of allot of java code. FORGE is NOT java.... It has its own set of hooks and calls created WITH java, That are not used in common java application. FORGE is code for coding minecraft. FORGE was created specifically to Modify, interact and expand on the minecraft code base. It's not more java knowledge many of us need... its more FORGE knowledge. I'm 35 years old and worked as a programer in NYC for over 8 years. Yet I'm considered stupid because i don't know things that no one is willing to teach. Come on.... I only have so much time to search though the now even more complex code to understand where the most simple parts are hidden away. I have a family and a job and obligations beyond my love of minecraft, and desire to create mods for it. Some basic tutorials are what is most needed. And i plea with those of you here that have this vast knowledge of FORGE, FORGE code and minecraft, to take the time to put some tutorials here in the forge wiki.... for now Atom_Byte start here ----> http://wuppy29.blogspot.nl/2012/08/forge-modding-132.html This guy is GREAT! he has some of the basic tutorials and he explains each part some so you can begin to make the transfer into coding with FORGE. He also seems to be using the FORGE code to its fullest. I have decompiled allot of code around to try and learn that way, but it seems allot of it is sloppy, and tons of the "FORGE" code out there in mods is really still using modloader based calls. These tutorials are FORGE all the way. I must say as well DON'T GIVE UP!!! FORGE is elegant, clean, and as you begin to understand the basics it it gets easier...
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