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  1. I'll have to take a look at it again when she's on lol. I know that's not the way to go, cause I really liked Enchanting Plus D: I'll have to check her global settings for instances in MultiMc5. I'll update if I get it working. Update: Hey we got it working again. Changed her main java in multimc to java 7 and it worked. I had suspicions it might've been java, but it's all good now. Thanks diesieben07
  2. Alright, next time she's on I'll tell her to remove the enchanting plus mod and see if it boots up then. Which is weird, cause we updated her java to java 7 update 67 just yesterday.
  3. Hey guys, I made a private mod pack for me and some friends using multi mc 5. It compiles fine for me, but when I sent it to my friend, she hit play instance and it crashes out with error code 255. I've seen error code 1, but never 255. Here's the paste bin of her crash report. pastebin: http://pastebin.com/9haBWmHb Any help on this matter is appreciated <3
  4. Thank you so much Robin! After updating that, NEI, and Ender Storage it's working now! Thanks again!
  5. Hey everyone, so recently I installed a bunch of mods via MultiMC 5, MC version 1.7.10 and had no problem with playing single player. I told my friends about it and they wanted to play it on a server with me, one that I would host on my PC. So I've been trying to get it to work, made sure I used the latest build of Forge, and used the installer. I put all my mods in my mods folder, and accepted the EULA. It crashed once, but that was due in part to me not using the right Forge version for CoFH dependencies, so I updated it. I took a look at the fml-server-latest.log file, and I think it had something to do with the Ender Storage mod, but I'm not 100% sure, so any assistance on this matter will help greatly! Thanks to anyone who helps in advance! Crash report: http://pastebin.com/k0FVpA69 fml-server-latest.log: http://pastebin.com/geiKYzpG
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