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Everything posted by Altyrah

  1. Thank you for your help. Morever I saw that my gradle in IDEA was not well configured, and I change my gitignore file to have a loudless repo. Thank you guys !
  2. Thank you ZigTheHedge, unfortunately, I already use an other terminal (Cmnder) to execute command like genIntelliJRuns or setupDecompWorkspace, because I already had this kind of problems with IDEA (certificate) Still looking for the solution
  3. Yes, I just refreshed again my workspace, I even went until rebooting my computer to be sure, but still the same issue. My resources foler is set as a source folder yes. What do you mean by saying how did you setup your workspace? I work with Intellij IDEA, the game is well launched, but there is only this problem. I don't know if my repo would give you the answer about it P.S. : here is my structure into my resources folder :
  4. Hi everyone, I just began Minecraft and Java development, and I'm stucked with, I think, a modelLoader issue. Here is the problem I get when I launch the debug mod: Also, here is my github repo, with the last commit where I am stucked : https://github.com/Nolween/SimelyaRessources I don't know if its a path to model issue, or if it's in my functions, but I got no textures, and also no translation of my item into th game. I would be so happy if you find th solution. I already searched into the forum but it doesn't fit Thank you !
  5. Ok, no problem, morever i've discovered Custom NPC which is compatible with your work. Thanks.
  6. Hi all, I went here to ask you to take a look at this mod/plugin which is just awesome : Minicraft Manager (http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/43022-minicraft-manager) and Minicraft Quests (http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/43026-minicraft-quest), but which cannot continue to be improved since the version of Forge. The dev told that is'nt compatible with your new versions. It would be so nice for us, servers admins, to continue to play with it in our worlds ! I hope you will receive my demand, because I love you both two, and I pray for a new version of Forge which allow the mod/plugin. Thank you !
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