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Everything posted by ThePsionic

  1. Problem solved per https://github.com/ThePsionic/MRCS/commit/7694e43d6cbcf22a169dbe311f25e7b21c0a2f02. Two days wasted. Nice.
  2. Oh, duh. Obvious solution is obvious. Thanks! EDIT: Wait. No. Doesn't work as seen http://puu.sh/dCzyh/a42e15c0c9.png here. https://github.com/ThePsionic/MRCS/commit/7807fc7593fce9bcbb9ebc6376662ba9579e59ec Also, am I not already doing that https://github.com/ThePsionic/MRCS/blob/7807fc7593fce9bcbb9ebc6376662ba9579e59ec/src/main/java/io/github/thepsionic/mrcs/proxy/ClientProxy.java#L45 there?
  3. In that case how would I tell my mod to *not* do that
  4. So I should just call new ModelResourceLocation(itemName,"inventory") ?
  5. Hey everyone, I'm having a problem with applying item textures in my 1.8 mod. All item textures are currently black/purple blocks, and there are no FileNotFoundException errors when I run Minecraft. General item class: https://github.com/ThePsionic/MRCS/blob/master/src/main/java/io/github/thepsionic/mrcs/items/MRCSItem.java Item registering class: https://github.com/ThePsionic/MRCS/blob/master/src/main/java/io/github/thepsionic/mrcs/registers/MRCSItems.java ClientProxy, which handles the texturing: https://github.com/ThePsionic/MRCS/blob/dev/src/main/java/io/github/thepsionic/mrcs/proxy/ClientProxy.java Main mod class: https://github.com/ThePsionic/MRCS/blob/master/src/main/java/io/github/thepsionic/mrcs/MRCS.java Resources folder: https://github.com/ThePsionic/MRCS/tree/master/src/main/resources Anyone see anything I'm not seeing? I'm assuming the files ARE found, just nothing is done with them, since there's no errors thrown whatsoever. Edit: I'm working with Forge 1.8-
  6. Are you using IntelliJ 14 by any chance?
  7. This worked beautifully. Thanks a lot!
  8. Hmm, the thing is I have 6 creative tabs and I was actually planning on having a useless item with metadata so that I can just have 1 ID being used for nothing instead of 6 Maybe other people have other ideas, but until then I guess I'll have to work with that.
  9. Hello, I'm trying to figure out how to make an item with metadata as icon for a CreativeTab. In 1.6 this was fairly easy, as ItemStacks were used then to display the items. In 1.7 you need to return an Item though, which doesn't allow this. Is there any way of doing this? (If you need code it can be found here: https://github.com/ThePsionic/MRCS-Core/)
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