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Everything posted by rtester

  1. Thanks for this information but this is a copy paste of my initial posting Hi can anyone lead me to a better place to fully understand tags. I read this page tags and I do not fully understand what tags do and what they are for. I know my fence block I made will not connect to each other or other fences without tags. In the fences.json file I removed the minecraft:nether_brick_fence and replaced it with unclebricksmod:titanium_fence my fence will not connect unless I insert it in the wooden_fences.json file, but my fence is not wood it is a metal fence. I made a titanium_fence.json file under data\unclebricksmod\tags\blocks and items but it still wont connect to each other or any other fence. I even added my fence back to the wooden_fence file and it still wont connect like it use to. now that I went back to check all my blocks my walls and fences wont connect. and all my recipes stopped working. I just do not understand what is going on I am lost now as to how to fix this problem I am having.
  2. I do not understand what is going on. all I did that I can remember is change the examplemod in the build.gradle to unclebricksmod and all that does seems to have changed is the examlemod%D to unclebricksmod%D in the runClient, runServer files and upgraded to the latest files .22 and .703 all my crafting recipes seem to stop working my walls and fences stopped connecting. I even changed the build.gradle file back to read examplemod and reverted back to a combination i knew worked and all my crafting recipes still will not work. so i upgraded to the latest version and put back the examplemod to unclebricksmod. I just do not understand why all this stuff just quit working. I rared up the project and added it. Thanks in advance. UnclebricksMod.rar
  3. OK I hope I did it right. Here are the logs on gist. latest.log debug.log
  4. I mean I put any item in them two recipes in the furnace or blast furnace and it does nothing. But after I posted this forum post it seems everything stopped working even my ore smelting/blasting after I upgraded to forge .18. As for the log after it loads up the hundreds of minecraft items all my mod stuff just gets buffered out in the eclipse console window. latest.log debug-5.log.gz
  5. I just got back from reading the forge docs on the ore dictionary and it is just about as sparse as the tags page. TYVM for the explanation above. But I still do not know what I need to get my fences to work right without adding them to the wooden_fences.json. Which I feel is wrong, since it is a metal fence I tried to put metal_fences.json and titanium_fence.json under my mod tags directory also and it still did not work. I just do not understand what files I actually need or really how to declare a custom tag. I even tried to find the tag for the nether_brick_fence that is in the client-extras like fence_gates, tools, armor I find no tags for them either. I just do not see any consistency in the tag files.
  6. Thanks I'll g look up the ore dictionary since this is the first time I heard of it. I am new to modding. But jut a quick question How does fences have to do with an ore dictionary the name in itself suggests it is for ores.
  7. Hi, for some reason I cannot get these two recipes to work
  8. Hi can anyone lead me to a better place to fully understand tags. I read this page tags and I do not fully understand what tags do and what they are for. I know my fence block I made will not connect to each other or other fences without tags. In the fences.json file I removed the minecraft:nether_brick_fence and replaced it with unclebricksmod:titanium_fence my fence will not connect unless I insert it in the wooden_fences.json file, but my fence is not wood it is a metal fence. I made a titanium_fence.json file under data\unclebricksmod\tags\blocks and items but it still wont connect to each other or any other fence. titanium_fence.json
  9. Thanks, being that I am a noob and I noticed in the launch file it has the examplemod in the run file I was not for sure if it would mess it up.
  10. is any of this information still relevant to the current version of forge gradle? Is there an updated version of this tutorial I have over looked?
  11. is it safe to change the examplemod in the following code to the modId of the mod? runs { client { workingDirectory project.file('run') // Recommended logging data for a userdev environment property 'forge.logging.markers', 'SCAN,REGISTRIES,REGISTRYDUMP' // Recommended logging level for the console property 'forge.logging.console.level', 'debug' mods { examplemod { source sourceSets.main } } } server { workingDirectory project.file('run') // Recommended logging data for a userdev environment property 'forge.logging.markers', 'SCAN,REGISTRIES,REGISTRYDUMP' // Recommended logging level for the console property 'forge.logging.console.level', 'debug' mods { examplemod { source sourceSets.main } } } }
  12. Thanks, I reverted back to the previous version. I was just trying to find out where I can view or even submit a bug fixes at.
  13. is this a forge, gradle or mcp error I been trying to update to the latest mcp mappings "mcp_snapshot-20190628-1.14.3" and this is the errors I get as i run the command "gradlew eclipse": error: wait() in MainWindow cannot override wait() in Object the previous versions work just fine. it says it finished fine even though it produces a whole slew of the errors above. and when I try to run the mod from eclipse minecraft wont even load up.
  14. Yeah I tried to start learning to mod with forge back in 1.7 but it all changes as you know in 1.8, then again 1.9 ect. ect. it changing so fast I cant get a grasp as what extent each class can do. I was stuck on stairs and slabs but I figured out for myself how to make them work using the references in the forge package these fine people made. I also finally figured out how to set the harvest level 2 different ways. one with a custom block class overwriting the getHarvestLevel, and the ToolType getHarvestTool functions and what I think is the way it suppose to be done Block.Properties.from(Blocks.OBSIDIAN) Thanks again for everyone valued input I am sure I will one day be able to help others as I am being helped now.
  15. How would the go to class function work when they removed the init folder? and why does it seem your so sarcastic in every reply i read on this forums you was once a noob also and i bet you got some help from others when you started. I appreciate your trying to help in your own way but wouldn't it be easier just to have a noob section on these forums with tutorials explaining stuff like this? or just replace the sarcastic posting with a helpful response on how to use the go to function. But now I know it has one I'll just google it myself.
  16. TYVM for your time to answer
  17. Thanks it seems I am always a day late and a dollar short on the news and where to find this kind of info and google seems to give me everything except for what i search for.
  18. I did look but being a noob and every week or so everything changes I did not know where to look. thanks for the reply I hope one day I can learn enough to be able to help others
  19. Thank you very much. I seen that but I did not know if that was the same as the file that was in the folder init.
  20. Would you happen to know where they moved it to?
  21. Where did the net.minecraft.init.Blocks get moved to I looked for hours in the references that come in the package but I have no clue as to where to look through all that code.
  22. I finally figured this out I had to make a custom stairs class and create the stairs off of that. everything works fine now.
  23. OK, TYVM I do not know how I ended up posting on here. I am practically new on here and the only thing I can figured out what i did was clicked the notify me of replies on this post by accident when I wanted to do that on mine and then this post got a reply and I thought it was mine.
  24. What do you mean by this? how did this get on this forum post it should of been on mine? now I am really confused. I am sorry I thought I was replying to a reply to my posting how do I delete my posting in this post?
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