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  1. Oh, I know you CAN, but I've never seen anyone do that before. I figured it was against convention or something. Anyway, thanks for the help!
  2. This is pretty good. I just have to add and mess with getRenderType and it should be working fine. Also, I'm not sure why you felt the need to register the block within the custom crop class. Don't people usually do that in the main? Anyway, a bit unconventional, but it works. So how do I add the texture? EDIT: Oh, never mind. I saw "MODID:" in registerBlockIcons and didn't notice the quotes, so I assumed that was a variable. So I just replaced that part with my mod id and it works fine. Thanks!
  3. You might want to look at my tutorial on crops for 1.7.x: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/p/minecraft-forge-172-creating-custom.html It's the same problem, except with more human readable names. The crash now hapens in this line: return iIcon[parGrowthStage]; Within the getIcon method. What's going on with getIcon? Is nothing ever put in the iIcon array?
  4. I tried this code out, and minecraft crashed. Apparently it was from this line? return this.field_149867_a[p_149691_2_]; Which was inside the getIcon method in your custom BlockCrops class. So I suppose it was a problem with getting the textures? How was this line supposed to go? It would be very helpful if you responded. Everyone else's posts/tutorials about crops are extremely outdated. Thanks!
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