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Tree Puncher

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  1. As I understand I should parse recipe Json to get ingredients and outputs and somehow change it but I don't know needed syntax and can't google it I have that but still don't know what to do, sorry public class JustRecipeFactory implements IRecipeFactory { @Override public IRecipe parse(JsonContext context, JsonObject json) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub //what should go here? return null; } }
  2. I understand that it is a class but what is should have in it?
  3. So, how to actually implement custom IRecipe or at least look at the non custom one? I tried to google but find nothing. I checked that _factories.json and created somewhat similar, but what exactly should be in that class? Sorry for stupid questions { "<type>": { "<name>": "<fully qualified classname for the specified type>" } }
  4. Hello, I'm new to coding and modding and I'm need your help. I'm trying to make simple recipe: shovel + gravel = flint and i get it working, but I wonder how to make that the shovel uses its durability when crafted. I know that there is a post (http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/topic/60481-112-creating-recipes-with-multiple-results/) which is something that I need, but I just not understand what is written there, so I need a bit more precision, I'll appreciate it. Thank you!
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