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Everything posted by txnca

  1. Yes, I know. When starting Minecraft up, Forge would stop before the start screen saying that the mod "Battlegear 2" was missing. It would not go any further which was keeping me from playing the game and discovering the cause of the recipe lookup crash in NEI. Well, I can say that Tinkers Defense was the problem with not being able to remove Battlegear without the Forge error message. I also found that it was Battlegear that was causing the recipe issue. When in the inventory to find a recipe using NEI, you hit R, well, that is also assigned to Battlegear and you are not able to change it anywhere. Believe me I looked. I wasn't going to change NEI to something other than its default since I have been using it forever so Battlegear is now gone. Too bad. I do appreciate the help. Just by posting I was able to get passed the frustration and figure out the problems I was encountering.
  2. Was not intending to be rude. I have just been trying to fix this for the past few days and am totally frustrated. As for not posting my log, my apologies. Here it is. As for not "installing Battlegear" correctly, I beg to differ. I am not having an issue with installing the mod, but with removing it! After all, how hard is it to drop it into the mods folder? THAT is why I asked for help here as I had no other clue who I could possibly ask. I keep having a crash when trying to look up recipes in NEI. The crash reports are giving me no clues as to where to even look. I have been reading that Battlegear 2 causes problems with crash reports so I have been trying to remove it. The problem is that once removed Forge tells me that there is a problem with my installation and that I am missing "any version of the mod battlegear 2". Now, though, I have figured it out. I just had to think of any reason that it would still be showing even after a complete wipe, and that meant a mod that required Battlegear 2 to be installed. That mod was Tinker Defense. Although I have not tried to start Minecraft again, I am 99.9% sure that was the issue. At least for not being able to start Minecraft without Battlegear installed. As for the other, I doubt very seriously that Forge has anything to do with it. Again my apologies. If, as you look at the above log, you find something I missed, I would appreciate any help that you could give. Thank you.
  3. I don't know if this is a Forge issue or not. I will tell you what is happening and them hopefully someone, anyone can tell me WTF is going on and which file(s) I need to delete to get where I want to be. I have literally deleted everything and recreated every profile from scratch, installed all the mods but this one mod, Battlegear 2 and it's companion mod MUD, and for whatever FREAKING reason Forge still keeps telling me that I am missing any version of one mod, Battlegear 2! Now I don't know how that can even be since I DELETED EVERY FREAKING THING IN THE MINECRAFT FOLDER! NOTHING WAS LEFT! NOTHING! Please forgive me for yelling. If kids didn't read this I would be cussing like a sailor, no I would make a sailor blush!. If ANYONE has an idea as to how this is happening I would certainly appreciate it very much! I am giving it one more try right now and if it works I will let you know, if it doesn't I will be cussing...LOUDLY!
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