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Tree Puncher

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  1. I've checked it and there are no id conflicts
  2. hey, in this thread : http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,4367.0.html , luacs1998 a link, but that link sends us to the file server that doesnt work, and than he locked the thread. please help? thanks, thejelmega
  3. does anyone else have an idee how to do it?
  4. good idea, but how would I do that thanks for the reply
  5. hey, I'm working on my mod called AgricultureCraft, I want to make my corn crop 2 high and it starts growing like seeds. how would I do it? problems: how to use a double high texture for the plant? how do I extend the bounding box as the plant grows? and, obvious, how to make it 2 blocks high? thanks for the responce!
  6. Hey, I've started on a big mod called agricultureCraft, but I wan't to change the recipe of bread. Does anyone know how to change the recipe without changing base classes. thanks, thejelmega
  7. thanks EDIT: I've done it but I still get the same error
  8. please help, if I start minecraft in eclipse for testing i got this error I downloaded the three files, but where do I need to put them? could anyone help, thanks, thejelmega
  9. sorry LexManos, I didn't see that part
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