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  1. I made a class for doing this. Simply create new class in your lib(?) package and copy this into it.
  2. I am not sure what is this meant to do, but you can create regular container, but you must create your own slit that overrides default slot. In the class you must define that it cannot accept any item.
  3. The field cannot be assigned because these fields are final but I will try to find anither way to do this.
  4. Try something like this Main class Blocks.sand = new BlockCustomizedSand() Customized block class public class BlockCustomizedSand extends BlockSand { @Override Override methods you want }
  5. Oh thanks. I am happy too I finally helped someone.
  6. Sorry if this is stupid question. But Hand = harvest level -1?
  7. I am not sure it will work in 1.8.9 but it works in 1.7.10 If you know, there is list of blocks. Like Blocks.sand If you pick up your block for modifying, then use some basic methods from Block class. Example Block b = Blocks.sand; b.setHardness(6.0F) //Sets a hardness for given block b.setTextureName(.......) //Sets texture for block. b.setHarvestLevel("pickaxe", 3) //Sets harvest level for block. And so on... If I am wrong with this, simply write a reply or PM me.
  8. BTW @jmylifecolor I highly recommend you to learn english when posting to any english forums. Just a suggesion. Have a nice day.
  9. Fixed, the mistake was I referred to variable(GUI_ID) that was stored inside each GUI class. I moved them to GUI Handler. Anyway thank you for help. And special thanks to Choonster for giving me clue to fix it
  10. Sorry Draco I didn't have much time to copy all the code. I am so sorry.
  11. Ok I will have a look at it tomorrow and wirte a reply. Anyway thanks for helping for now.
  12. Hi there. Recently I tried to run my mod on server(using forge pre-built server run config). It worked fine until I tried to access any GUI. For example Gui of my machine compressor. Here is my crash report. http://pastebin.com/hWbGUNSV If you need my code for solving, simply wirte reply and I will post them. I will accept any help.
  13. com.ec.lib.CustomGui.InvGui extends ContainerGui I use it only in GuiHandler and block's implemented methd from abstract InventoryBlock that needs gui ID for opening it when right clicking the block. I tried to hardcode the gui number. It helped and gui opened without crash. But when I clicked gui button server again closed.
  14. Recently I noticed ti has some problems with finding correct Classes. When I run any code it writes into console that NoClasssDefFound exception like this
  15. I am running it from Eclipse IDE. If you meant that, I have never looked at build.gradle and never built my mod into jar
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