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    I am kewl!

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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. well, then the texture needs to be at assets/naturalpowers/ModelSword.png, you probably want new ResourceLocation("naturalpowers:textures/items/ModelSword.png");
  2. [move]bump?[/move]
  3. True Story... The first language i fully understood was... Casio Basic, the uglyest and slowest thing in the world, but quite simple and easy to learn the basics... looking at java... highly complicated mess of weirdness... looking at minecaft/forge... badly coded, hacked together, badly documented ball of mud... not the perfect thing to begin with. Heck, even a standalone java game is probably less confusing!
  4. For the people who cant read the big red text on the index page: ONLY OFFICIAL VERSIONS ARE SUPPORTED!!!!! I guess that specific case might be added... And the text should rather look like http://wuerfel21.github.io/webstuff/english.html
  5. I have some items which fire Fireballs, which mostly works, but when travelling, the fireballs movement goes... rather intresting. For the first second or so, it flies as expectd, only to then appear somewere way further(but still in correct direction, just alot further). In the case of ghast fireballs, they seem to duplicate, with the "ghost" having its aim a bit off (only the original one seems to impact). Code: https://github.com/Wuerfel21/The-Derpy-Shiz-Mod/blob/master/src/main/java/net/wuerfel21/derpyshiz/items/FireSword.java#L65-L84 https://github.com/Wuerfel21/The-Derpy-Shiz-Mod/blob/master/src/main/java/net/wuerfel21/derpyshiz/items/ItemFirechargeLauncher.java#L31-L45
  6. Oops, i forgot to set the reversePrev variable.... SOLVED!
  7. I guess its safe to bump now?
  8. i do that... please read the code first
  9. So, i have been trying to have a block emit redstone based on a field of its tile entity. Currently, when the flag in the TE turns on, the redstone dust next to the block turns on, but when the flag turns off, the redstone stays on until i manually update it Block: https://github.com/Wuerfel21/The-Derpy-Shiz-Mod/blob/master/src/main/java/net/wuerfel21/derpyshiz/blocks/BlockDetectorBox.java TE: https://github.com/Wuerfel21/The-Derpy-Shiz-Mod/blob/master/src/main/java/net/wuerfel21/derpyshiz/entity/tile/TileEntityDetectorBox.java
  10. well, undoing the changes after breaking the block is probably not a god idea... i just put a return after that, and it worked.
  11. I want to break blocks from code, i tried using this.worldObj.func_147480_a(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, true); , but it seems like it doesnt calls the break function in the block class. what to use instead?
  12. Its one of these simple things you never remember...
  13. wow, im an idiot...
  14. I already knew it was the bounding box, it was the only thing i changed. So, again: First metod works perfectly, but only accounts for 1 axis Second method should do for 2 axises, but does only have the block itself in the bounding box, which is the problem
  15. There isnt much to show, it just has the default render bounding box, e.g. when the actual block is offscreen, all stuff extending from it isnt rendered... (BTW the first method works, but the lower one(which is for 2 axises) shows the above symptoms)
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