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Everything posted by Flamy

  1. Hello, today I started creating another GUI. In it I need a GuiListExtended with 3 rows. How could I possibly and one?
  2. I'll try to create one okay? But it will be very messy and unprofessionall, because I still test stuff. I'll clean it up later!
  3. I'm already checking if the world isn't remote. And I'm adding the WARPS via the command. It gets saved and I can see it in NBT Explorer but it doesn't get loaded inGame(The tagCount of every list is ALWAYS:0);
  4. After some research I found out, that the tagCount is always 0? Idk why NBT Explorer says this:
  5. And how would I have used reflection w/out basic java?
  6. I just wanted to say, I copy pasted it from the Warps class there it wasn't an instance from the class.
  7. I already have done that: public void addWarp(Warp warp){ warpList.add(warp); get(MinecraftServer.getServer().getEntityWorld()).markDirty(); } But the data still doesn't get loaded!
  8. I just had there so I can simpler update the stuff.
  9. I changed it to this: http://hastebin.com/erakusibis.avrasm Still it doesn't get loaded correctly!
  10. public class CityList extends ArrayList<City>{ @Override public boolean add(City c){ WorldData.commitAll(); return super.add(c); } } All of my lists in the code are the same. And commitAll(): public static void commitAll(){ get(MinecraftServer.getServer().getEntityWorld()).markDirty(); } And I'm too silly to create a github repo
  11. Ahh didn't know that with the minecraftServer field. Thanks for that. What I mean with "not get loaded proparly". When I restart minecraft the special world data(warp,city,schedular) isn't here anymore. Let's say I create a warp in instance 1 it stays there until I restart. When I restart there aren't any warps anymore!
  12. Main Class Code: http://hastebin.com/jesucozada.avrasm WorldData Code: http://hastebin.com/jihapexexi.avrasm
  13. Okay I removed the WorldEvents class but my data still doesn't get loaded correctly. It saves on ServerStop.
  14. Add an if statemant with: !event.item.worldObj.isRemote And change your line to: if (event.item.getEntityItem().getItem() == Item.getItemFromBlock(Blocks.dirt)){ If you want to check if its an item use Items.ITEM for Blocks use Item.getItemFromBlock(Blocks.BLOCK)
  15. @dieSieben007 Two things: 1. Why don't I need the WorldEvents Class? It saves/loads the worlddata in. 2. How should I load the data in? MarkDirty only saves the WorldData. ~Flamy
  16. Hello, after I created my custom WorldSaveData, I tested it and realized that the stuff gets saved but doesn't get loaded in correctly. Here are my classes: WorldSavedDataClass(I know it's messy): http://hastebin.com/sedawuyuhu.avrasm DataClass: http://hastebin.com/epenolaboc.coffee WorldEventsClass: http://hastebin.com/yutoriwupu.avrasm The issue is somewhere here: http://hastebin.com/sedawuyuhu.avrasm @readFromNBT Thanks, Flamy
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