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Everything posted by Powerman913717

  1. Yes, I know that I need the deobf file, I have those already; the problem is I'm having trouble adding them to the environment. Such as what folder to put them, most of the research I've found mentioned a special folder that was nonexistent in my install.
  2. So I've been doing a lot of research on adding additional mods to my dev environment, I've found some threads and a few blogs nothing that worked for me and most of the information was out of date. I want to add mods like Thaumcraft 5, and Baubles to my project; Please note I don't want to create an addon I just want to add aspects to some of my items/blocks and have the ability to add features that are triggered by the mod being present if someone uses my mod with those mods. I might also want to add other mods at some point such as blood magic, so I need something that works universally. If at all possible a method that allows me to build my mod without much hassle would be nice. Any help would be appreciated!
  3. Ok, I have all of my .json files set up correctly now...and the crop is rendering the model shape correctly...however the texture isn't displaying I know this is due to the textures not being registered to it. I tried NovaViper's code and I was getting errors, I'm assumed it went in to my blocks class where I register their renders. However that seems to not be working, were does it need to go exactly? P.S.Thanks to all of those trying to help me,
  4. I understand how the json files work, the problem more so is the naming. In vanilla the only block that I see being created is just "wheat" however the files for the wheat are understood by minecraft even though they are named as wheat_stage0. So I'm trying to find a way to name my textures and other files in a way like that and have it read by Minecraft.
  5. I created a custom parent class to suit the needs for my mod, the parent class is the basis for all of my crops. So far I just have one crop but 4 more are planned. I'm also trying to change certain things such as were the crops can be planted, I want them to be planted on grass block but so far that doesn't work either. I also have no clue if the other crop properties are working because, the growth stages aren't rendering due to I can't find a way to set the textures/models/blockstates. For the record, I have other working functional blocks that aren't crops, so the problem lies with the crops some where. Crop Parent Class This is the actual crop block file and the block is create with the others in my BlocksInit file, its added onto here.
  6. Thank You, SO MUCH. I've spent the past couple days exploring the internet trying to fix that issue, now the texture is displaying in full color and the x-raying is gone. I'm going to edit the title to solved now, thanks again!
  7. I updated the post, sry for the issues with the pics. I'm getting use to these forums, some of the tools here are different.
  8. I've just started modding the last few days, and I just recently finished a java class at my school so I understand most of what I'm doing. However I recently ran into a problem with the render of my block that I created. I have all of the .json files created correctly I've double checked them and tried to trouble shoot has much as I could. The first problem I got just caused the texture just to be black I fixed that, it was caused by method either from minecraft or forge to stop the use of X-ray packs. Now that's fixed and the problem I have now is that the texture itself is turning black not the transparent parts on it. I can see every pixel but the pixels have lost their color and have became black. I'm going to try to add images to this post so the community can understand what I'm seeing. Thanks to anyone that helps. http://imgur.com/J4VojgW,Mb2Hexe http://imgur.com/J4VojgW,Mb2Hexe#1 BlockInit Class //where I create the blocks This is the first workaround file to stop the their x-ray blocking workaround. //I'm not trying to x-ray just trying to make my stuff render right.
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