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Everything posted by FireDrgn

  1. From what I see is that there is something wrong with your TileEntity renderer and also do what diesieben07 said. make sure your put all your blocks in the pre init or as your have it in the PreLoad and then put your proxy in: @Mod.EventHandler public void init(FMLInitializationEvent event) { } if this doesn't work I may need to see your renderer and that may be the problem and/or your minecraft instance is broken and may need to do your "gradlew setupDecompWorkspace idea/eclispe" (one or the other) but make sure to do a "gradlew clean" before you do that
  2. There is something wrong with your proxy according to the crash report, can you please post the source code for that? - FireDrgn
  3. Ok. Thanks for the clarification. - FireDrgn
  4. For the setBlockBounds() I thought the parameters were: minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ. That is what I thought if not thanks for telling me shadowfacts. - FireDrgn
  5. Hello, I would like the "Forge Modder" status, I am currently working on a big mod and porting to 1.8 so it is not ready yet. No subfourm. - FireDrgn
  6. Hello, I have had this problem but in a Minecraft Modding Dev Environment, It may be because the new versions of CoFH mods have been wired with downloading CoFH Lib into the /1.7.10 folder, this is probably not the case, but just for your notice. Also maybe a log file from the logs folder would be nice to see. - FireDrgn
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