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Everything posted by nidico100

  1. wanted to add some methods to the class, but found a different way thanks anyway
  2. I want to add something to the Original Entity.class how to do that?
  3. I get some errors with the code, i tried a lot to fix it, but it doesn't work. public void onFallenUpon (World worldIn, BlockPos pos, Entity entityIn, float fallDistance) { if (entityIn.isSneaking()) { super.onFallenUpon(worldIn, pos, entityIn, fallDistance); } else { entityIn.fall(fallDistance, 0.0F); } } public void onLanded(World worldIn, Entity entityIn) { if (entityIn.isSneaking()) { super.onLanded(worldIn, entityIn); } else if (entityIn.motionY < 0.0D) { entityIn.motionY = -entityIn.motionY; } } public void onEntityCollidedWithBlock(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, Entity entityIn) { if (Math.abs(entityIn.motionY) < 0.1D && !entityIn.isSneaking()) { double d0 = 0.4D + Math.abs(entityIn.motionY) * 0.2D; entityIn.motionX *= d0; entityIn.motionZ *= d0; } super.onEntityCollidedWithBlock(worldIn, pos, entityIn); } BlockPos (just copied from 1.8, but fixed the errors) Vec3i (just copied from 1.8, but fixed the errors)
  4. I just forgot to put GameRegistry.registerTileEntity(TileEntityBlockSlime.class, "DowngradeMod"+"slimeBlock"); in the public void load in the main file, but thanks anyway
  5. Thank you very much!! It works But with the Particles I don't know the reason [/img]
  6. In the hand the block renders with transparency, but when placed the transparency is lost, why? And how can i change the blockbreak particles? Because they are pink and black. [/img] MainMod file: BlockSlimeModel.java BlockSlime.java ClientProxy: Normal Proxy: RenderBlockSlime.java ItemRenderBlockSlime pls help me
  7. Thanks now it works. In my hand i see the smaller cube inside the bigger, but when i place it it's not transparent anymore and still fly in the air instead of standing You need to use GL11.glTranslate in your render class to move it into the right place. Example: GL11.glTranslatef(1f, 1f, 0f); Run the game in Debug mode (if you have eclipse) and keep experimenting with it. It might take a while for it to work properly. it's now on the right place with texture and in hand it's rendering right with transparency, but when it's placed it's not transparent, but why? And why are the break particles pink and black? [/img]
  8. The Block in Hand is rendering right, with transparency, but the placed Block isn't. And when I break the block there comes pink and black particles. [/img] RenderBlockSlime.java BlockSlime.java
  9. Thanks now it works. In my hand i see the smaller cube inside the bigger, but when i place it it's not transparent anymore and still fly in the air instead of standing
  10. I tried to make a Slime Block from 1.8 in 1.7.10, but something went wrong. [/img] MainMod file: BlockSlimeModel.java BlockSlime.java ClientProxy: Normal Proxy: RenderBlockSlime.java ItemRenderBlockSlime pls help me
  11. So I tested it, but i have some Problems [/img] MainMod file: BlockSlimeModel.java BlockSlime.java ClientProxy: Normal Proxy: RenderBlockSlime.java ItemRenderBlockSlime pls help me
  12. Thanks i will test it, because Techne didn't work on my pc it just bugged
  13. I just have the model as .json, but can i use this? How u mean with both Textures? I wanted to use the same for both. And thanks But could u explain the code a it?
  14. yeah i want a block which looks like the slime block
  15. I just made a block with transparent textures. It renders fine and work. But now i want a smaller cube inside this like it's shown in the 1.8 with the Slime Block. I don't know how to do this, please help.
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