What I am trying to do is create a crafting bench, sorta like the one in the xbox version, except it won't have any tabs, just a scrollable list with all items that are craftable. Right now I am having trouble with a few things. What I want to do is have it so that the slots where the required items are displayed, it will condense them into stacks of similar items, instead of having, say each slot have 1 of the same item. In the output slots where all craftable items are shown, if an item has similar items (like stairs), or has metadata (like dye), I want those to be in the same slot, but in a list that can be went through (like the xbox has the small list of all similar items), and I would like to sort the output list based on where the items originate from (such as vanilla items appear first, then modded items). Next, I am also having trouble making it only display items that the player can craft, it seems to really just display most recipes, and sorta in a random order. My current code (although it is definitely not the best at all) is here: