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Everything posted by hermitspike

  1. Erm, is it possible for you to give me all the imports. There are multiply one I can select when I about to import and I'm not too sure which one is the right one.
  2. Doesn't work... When I copied the code there was a lot of errors, I fixed all of them and still nothing. I got the item in game, I can put it in the jukebox but there still isn't any sound. :'( I wish there was a straightforward tutorial for 1.7.10. If anyone knows something more, please let me know.
  3. Glistre, your modid can be anything, with numbers and can have as many as you want characters. I'll be trying the code xwerswoodx gave and see if that works. Will post my result.
  4. I've had help from this fourm http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/mapping-and-modding-tutorials/2172652-custom-music-disc-forge-tutorial-1-7-2-1-7-10 The "sounds.json" file is inside of "io/sounds" And the sound file is named "kitten.ogg" and it is inside "io/sounds/records"
  5. Hello I'm trying to add a music disc into Minecraft. I'm on forge 1.7.10- I've been trying to add a music disc for quite some time and nothing, I've got it in the game with the proper name but theres no sound. I've added bunch of other stuff into Minecraft and had no problems. I only gave you everything that is connected with the music disc and if you know anything wrong with my setup, please tell me. :'( This is my MusicDisc.java :: http://pastebin.com/TJ59fGjk And this is my main class :: http://pastebin.com/jU6vJrMp My sounds.json : { "records.Kitten": {"category": "record", "sounds": [{"name": "records/kitten","stream": true }]} } And my en_US.lang : item.record_Kitten.name=Music Disc item.record_Kitten.desc=Music Disc Description Testing Thanks for your time.
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