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Everything posted by Toxicshadow

  1. Are you saying what Lex said to do doesn't work? Because your files are in your workspace, that should have fixed it. If you're using Eclipse, follow this link and/or this link. If you're using Intellij follow this link and/or this link. OH! Also have you looked at this?
  2. I honestly have never used intellij, but I would assume it's as simple as importing it and calling it's methods. Make sure you add it's .jar to the referenced libraries. End users of your new mod have to also have installed your ForgeConomy mod, keep in mind. Hope that helps!
  3. Hey, so I have a mod and it was working fine, I could generate blocks without an issue. However it only replaces stone. And so I took a look in 'WorldGenMinable' and there seems to be a magic number for what it replaces, which is only stone. So I tried to do some googling and all that came up were outdated, useless tutorials that use old code for WorldGenMinable that didn't have a magic number. So, can anyone point me in the right direction of how to generate blocks that replaces something other than stone? Even if it's just someone's code on github, anything will help. Thanks! Solution: Add a new parameter for the item to replace, then in your call to WorldGenMinable, use BlockHelper.forBlock(replace)
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