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Everything posted by mnn

  1. maybe in chunk generation process replace grass blocks with your own ones (and generate randomly meta)? i wouldn't try to overwrite base blocks on a code level - replacing base classes, it could only make your mod incompatible with other mods...
  2. If no extra blocks are added to be mineable by this tool, couldn't be it done like this: MinecraftForge.setToolClass(myItem, "pickaxe", 5); MinecraftForge.setToolClass(myItem, "axe", 5); ?
  3. Could you please elaborate? I searched on google and this forum but I didn't find anything about Factorization and getUniqueEntityId. I'd love to have my mod prepared for the mod jungle outside - to be able to run out of the box (item and block id conflicts are handled by forge pretty well).
  4. In fact I'm (direwolf20's pack), is there a bug in factorization or something?
  5. probably something wrong on my end, but "ModLoader.getUniqueEntityId()" is NOT returning unique id... i'm calling it in @PreInit and entity is being registered in @Init. any ideas?
  6. updated to 1.4.6
  7. This is a server-only mod used for automatic shutting down after specified time with no players online. From version 0.5.0 it is also capable of shutting down server at specified times (uses quite powerful cron-like syntax for definition of time). MC1.6.4 | 0.6.0 | tested with Forge #884 | download (adfly) MC1.5.2 | 0.5.0 | tested with Forge #655 | download (adfly) MC1.5.1 | 0.4.0 | tested with Forge #655 | download (adfly) MC1.4.6 | 0.3.0 | tested with Forge #471 | download (adfly) MC1.4.5 | 0.2.0 | tested with Forge #395 | download (adfly) Short article describing example server setup - Minecraft server with Forge „on demand“. More information can be found at minecraftforum.
  8. mnn

    IntelliJ IDEA

    i'm noob in the java world (~4days since my playing with modding started) it "can" import eclipse projects - had to remove the path variable and then I got project without source files.. this (spammy) project setup is created from scratch. I'm not really sure if it's the classpath parameter it's beeing run with (I didn't find a way how to modify/remove that) or if I broke anything else. I'm happy it's running right from the IDE and the messages doesn't seem to affect forge/mc in any way .
  9. mnn

    IntelliJ IDEA

    managed to fix that, the solution was to copy all text files from "/src/common" to "/jars". console spam persists, but it's functional ^^
  10. hello, i was trying to setup mcp with forge on my own, but it keeps crashing (on entering world) i think it's something with jdk classes, but i really have any idea how to fix that..
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