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  1. That is really weird, everything worked for me. I could start IntelliJ with some tweaking here and there, now he says that Minecraft is not in that folder he chose to select .... Still not finihsed with setting the environment up
  2. For me it loaded till the end, now it is a problem regarding the JAVA_HOME variable ...it has to point to the right directory. Now it is on my end
  3. cpw just posted on twitter that we should try to run a --refresh-dependencies Anyone got it working now? I don´t ^^ cpw ... it worked Thanks so much ^^ Simply run a --refresh-dependencies
  4. I am sorry to say, that I can not help, but I got the exact same problem. I tried everything you tried. I also tested 5 different forge versions, I simply can not get it to work I would appriciate any help Thank you very much
  5. Oh man, really? It is some kinda weird?! I just redownloaded forge the third time and ... It works Sorry for this thread P.S. It seems to not work with Optifine or Mystcraft ... anyway thanks
  6. Hey, I am running Minecraft with MultiMC. I just installed the newest version of Railcraft and I needed the build 295 of Forge. As soon as I hit log in and starting a world I got this error. Hope this helps Thanks very much
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