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Everything posted by MrSwisstobi

  1. well then, i didnt. check the versions or the format. just downloaded the latedt version, which was a zip archive. right now im not on a pc, but will try it when im back. thank you ---- Edit: Yes! it worked, thanks a lot
  2. http://puu.sh/1acNy <--- like this. thats how i understood it. forge, optifine and inventory tweaks are getting loaded via magiclauncher. NEI + CCC are already in the coremods folder => should get loaded by forge. but, for some reasen, forge didnt load the mods. No NEI in MC... btw, launcher did start and didnt crash. (for sure, there is no NEI^^) hmm..?
  3. So, i shoudnt load the mods with magiclauncher, but if i dont check it, its not getting loaded, does forge do this auto.? dont think so. Do i have to install it by hand? just drag and drop it into the original minecraft.jar? im confused ----- EDIT: And yes, they are already in the coremods folder
  4. Hey there, im not sure if this problem is because NEI or because of Forge, so please dont hate on me if im wrong. Thanks. Ok, so i tried to install this mods (MagicLauncher): http://puu.sh/1ac1k MagicLauncher didnt recognize the ChickenCore for some reasen, but it should be ok. I started Minecraft, no problems. Generated a new world, no problem. Try to open Inventory - Crashed. Thats the Crashlog. http://puu.sh/1ac2O and thats the FML Logfile: It looks like that the problem is because NEI, but because i've not found any other topics about my problem, im not sure. All Mods were downloaded fresh => newest versions. new minecraft.jar maybe you guys could help me? tried it already multiple times. If this isnt Forge's problem, i'll contact NEI. If it's just my problem while installing it, tell me what i did wrong^^. ah, and btw, All this mods in the top section (http://puu.sh/1ac1k) are in coremods folder. Thanks for your help - Tobias
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