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Everything posted by audiomodder

  1. Still no luck, but I have noticed something interesting. Following the export of the obj (and related files) from Blender, I was curious and decided to try to do an OBJ import of the exported files. Upon doing so, I discovered that the texture wasn't being applied there, either. So at this point I'm fairly certain it's a model issue, not a code issue. As a side note, I'm not doing the models for our code (I'm a meat-headed coder, not an artist). Our artist uses Cubik, and the default obj that Cubik exported contained "s off" entries, which aren't supported I guess? It makes sense that OBJ loader wouldn't use these, but the fact that Cubik would export something that Forge couldn't use is, well, frustrating. Maybe it would be different if we were doing a tile entity and could use the TESR, but it would appear that Cubik isn't really good for anything that couldn't use a json if it needed to.
  2. Interesting, when I look into the mtl file, it references the texture, but it doesn't seem to actually be applied at runtime. I've tried both a true relative path and a minecraft resource path with no avail. Also, if i remove the bindEntityTexture, I get what you would expect....the purple and black. Add the bindEntityTexture back in, all white (side note: the texture file is not all white ). This would tell me that it's not finding a texture referenced in the model. Maybe I'm not baking the model correctly? Or maybe not applying the texture when I render? This is my first time having to manually handle the rendering, so I'm shooting in the dark completely.
  3. So I've been working on a mod and, while I can get textures to bind to json driven blocks, I've got some entities that I've finally (after some work) gotten obj models to work with. The issue is that the textures refuse to show up. I don't get any errors on run, and it is calling the getEntityTexture in my renderer....if just won't bind that to the entity model Here's my doRender for the entity: bakeModel(); GlStateManager.pushMatrix(); GlStateManager.translate((float) x, (float) y, (float) z); float scale = 0.1F; GlStateManager.rotate(90.0F, 0.0F, -1.0F, 0.0F); GlStateManager.scale(scale, scale, scale); GlStateManager.enableRescaleNormal(); bindEntityTexture(entity); //Actually render this bad boy now Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.getInstance(); VertexBuffer vertexBuffer = tessellator.getBuffer(); List<BakedQuad> listQuads = shipBakedModel.getQuads(null, null, 0); int k = 0; vertexBuffer.begin(7, DefaultVertexFormats.ITEM); for (int j = listQuads.size(); k < j; ++k) { BakedQuad bakedquad = listQuads.get(k); vertexBuffer.addVertexData(bakedquad.getVertexData()); Vec3i vec3i = bakedquad.getFace().getDirectionVec(); vertexBuffer.putNormal((float) vec3i.getX(), (float) vec3i.getY(), (float) vec3i.getZ()); } tessellator.draw(); GlStateManager.disableRescaleNormal(); GlStateManager.popMatrix(); super.doRender(entity, x, y, z, entityYaw, partialTicks); What silly thing am I missing? ~@udio~
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