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Everything posted by Lightspeed360

  1. It's not suposed to tell everyone who kills them(I think I did this a bit wrong) I want it when I die it tells me who got that sneaky kill when they don't have death messages wrong can I do this(With a vanilla server)?
  2. But it dosen't It only works in singleplayer worlds heres full code Core class public class Core { EntityDamageEvent ed = new EntityDamageEvent(); @Instance public static Core idInst; @EventHandler public void init(FMLInitializationEvent e) { FMLCommonHandler.instance().bus().register(ed); MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(ed); } } Event public class EntityDamageEvent { @SubscribeEvent public void death(LivingDeathEvent e) { if (!(e.entity instanceof EntityPlayer)) return; EntityPlayer p = (EntityPlayer) e.entity; p.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText (EnumChatFormatting.DARK_AQUA + "You were killed by " + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_RED + "IDK" + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_AQUA + ".")); } } What if I'm on a vanilla server should this still work? If no how can I.
  3. The first one is in the class EntityDamageEvent in a void @SubscribeEvent public void death(LivingDeathEvent e) { if (!(e.entity instanceof EntityPlayer)) return; EntityPlayer p = (EntityPlayer) e.entity; p.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText (EnumChatFormatting.DARK_AQUA + "You were killed by " + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_RED + "IDK" + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_AQUA + ".")); } nothing else in this class
  4. I use this to send the player a message p.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText (EnumChatFormatting.DARK_AQUA + "You were killed by " + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_RED + "IDK" + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_AQUA + ".")); This is my main class @Mod(name = "LyghtSurvival", version = "0.0.1", modid = "ls") public class Core { EntityDamageEvent ed = new EntityDamageEvent(); @Instance public static Core idInst; @EventHandler public void init(FMLInitializationEvent e) { FMLCommonHandler.instance().bus().register(ed); MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(ed); } } This code only works for singleplayer. I'm new to this sorry.
  5. I don't even have a shader running! It just crashes whenever i try to run the mod not using shader pack and who is them! Do you think it's a setting I have on thats crashing it?
  6. Forge version: 1.8- Shaders Mod Version: 2.4.12mc1.8 Renderer: Intel HD Graphics P4600
  7. No I'm on 1.8 I'm not getting these ons? :c How can I update and keep the workspace using forge src 1.8-
  8. Doesn't exist. :L Or I'm not doing it right but, I tried everything.
  9. It does it everytime the entity is loaded is there somthing to put in a if to see if it just spawned?
  10. Yes but, how do I get before spawning or when spawning it? Is there a method I'm not seeing to put it in? How do I get when it's spawned and do stuff when it spawns?
  11. I can set it's rotation but, were would I?
  12. Heres a link if you want to see exactly what the entity is doing. http://youtu.be/3UX9JXNP3mg Also is there a way to fix the slime from sinking into the ground? Why won't he just jump and move foward not the direction towards the wall like the vid.
  13. Will what you said still allow me to do this
  14. But I want it to be able to turn it's head not be like a normal slime that only looks one direction
  15. It to jump and move foward at a speed Where it's looking It's suposed to be a very tiny 4x4 slime that is curios(I can do this easyish) and you can tame it The Problem is it faces it back to the way it spawned before it moves :L <--- As you can see "I'm new"
  16. /**Custom Movement*/ /**MicroSlime MoveHelper*/ class MoveHelper extends EntityMoveHelper { MicroSlime microslime; public MoveHelper(EntityLiving p_i1614_1_) { super(MicroSlime.this); microslime = (MicroSlime) p_i1614_1_; } @Override public void onUpdateMoveHelper() { if (this.update) { this.update = false; if (this.entity.onGround) { microslime.getJumpHelper().setJumping(); this.entity.setMoveForward(0.2F); } } } } Whenever he tries to move he always faces the way he was when spawned/the game started
  17. Ok it will work but, did you see how I have a block? How would I do it with that could I?
  18. When I place the block theres this xray under it http://postimg.org/image/87muhabp1/ <--- also shows code
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