Hello, I am having a little bit of trouble with the following
code, I am trying to make a seed plantable on farmland which
works fine if I specify which block is suppose to be placed directly in the main seedPlacement class
however I would like to use this class as a reference for future seeds and so I wish to use a variable to assign the block.
However the variable is never assigned because it is never called in my constructor.
And I am currently out of ideas what to try.
Any help will be much appreciated!
Regards, Venomous
The seed item class:
public class ItemLettuceSeeds extends seedPlacement{
public ItemLettuceSeeds() {
super(0, 0.3f, RealismMod.blockLettuceCrop, Blocks.farmland);
The main seed class:
public class seedPlacement extends ItemFood implements IPlantable
private final Block theBlockPlant;
private final Block soilId;
public seedPlacement(int parHealAmount, float parSaturationModifier, Block parBlockPlant, Block parSoilBlock)
super(parHealAmount, parSaturationModifier, false);
theBlockPlant = parBlockPlant; //not getting assigned
soilId = parSoilBlock; //not getting assigned
//constructor isn't even being called
public boolean onItemUse(ItemStack parItemStack, EntityPlayer parPlayer,
World parWorld, int parX, int parY, int parZ, int par7, float par8,
float par9, float par10)
// not sure what this parameter does, copied it from the potato class
if (par7 != 1)
return false;
else if (parPlayer.canPlayerEdit(parX, parY+1, parZ, par7, parItemStack))
System.out.println("Result: " + theBlockPlant + " and " + soilId); //Result: Null and Null
if (parWorld.getBlock(parX, parY, parZ).canSustainPlant(parWorld,
parX, parY, parZ, ForgeDirection.UP, this) && parWorld
.isAirBlock(parX, parY+1, parZ))
//crashes cause null pointer exception since theBlockPlant is never assigned.
//parWorld.setBlock(parX, parY+1, parZ, theBlockPlant);
return true;
return false;
return false;