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Everything posted by Choonster

  1. If you set the item in use from Item#onItemRightClick , the pulling models returned by Item#getModel will be used (you can adjust the timings for each model in that method). Just make sure you override Item#onItemUseStopped to do nothing.
  2. Just register a model for the bow like you would any other item ( ModelBakery.registerItemVariants and ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation or ModelLoader.setCustomMeshDefinition ). Since it's never set in use, the pulling models will never be used.
  3. Since the player doesn't actually draw back your bow like they do with the vanilla one, I'd just use a fixed charge value.
  4. I suggest storing the FACING values's horizontal index ( EnumFacing#getHorizontalIndex , an integer in the range [0,3] ) in the lower two bits of the metadata and the POSITION value's ordinal ( Position#ordinal , an integer in the range [0,2] ) or a similar index field in the higher two bits of the metadata. Shift the POSITION index left 2 bits ( << ) then OR ( | ) it with the FACING index. To get the FACING value from the metadata, AND ( & ) it with 3 (the maximum index) and use EnumFacing.getHorizontal to convert it to an EnumFacing . To get the POSITION value from the metadata, shift it right 2 bits ( >> ), AND it with 2 (the maximum index) and get the Position at that index of the array returned by Potion#values . I'll try to implement this myself to provide an example of how it's done. Edit: Correctly capitalised AND.
  5. That should be suitable, but you still need to create the BlockState and convert between state and metadata.
  6. Note that if NEI is running, ItemTooltipEvent won't be fired. To modify NEI's tooltips, you need to implement IContainerTooltipHandler and register it using GuiContainerManager.addTooltipHandler instead.
  7. You can probably use an EnumFacing property limited to Plane.HORIZONTAL for the y-axis rotation and a custom enum property with UP , DOWN and SIDEWAYS values for the x-axis rotation. You can integrate the custom enum with EnumFacing and its subclasses if needed.
  8. Forge recently added a model animation system. I have no idea what the video is using and annoyingly he doesn't seem to explain it or provide a map/resource pack download.
  9. I don't think Cricket is maintaining Chisel 2 any more, update to Chisel by Chisel Team (tterag1008, Drullkus, Minecreatr).
  10. You've got a block (pair of braces) surrounding the if statement, which isn't required. You don't need to consume an arrow in the body of the if statement, the InventoryPlayer#consumeInventoryItem call in the conditional already does that. There's no point in setting the maximum use duration ( Item#getMaxItemUseDuration ) and use action ( Item#getItemUseAction ) if you never set the item in use ( EntityPlayer#setItemInUse ). You should rename the variables in onItemRightClick with meaningful names that describe their purpose, e.g. charge instead if i (because that holds the bow's charge). You never declare the variable i . What is it that want to know?
  11. You need to store the last use time ( World#getTotalWorldTime ) in the NBT and compare it against the current time in Item#onItemRightClick . If it's been at least COOLDOWN ticks, update the last use time and fire the arrow. I have an example of a similar weapon here that fires snowballs at a fixed rate while right click is held.
  12. Ah, I got a bit confused. That is indeed the method I meant.
  13. Set the maximum use duration to 0, the use action to NONE and fire the arrows from Item#onItemRightClick instead of Item#onItemUseFinish .
  14. Use JDK 8 for the ForgeGradle-based 1.7.10 and 1.8.x builds. Use JDK 7 for the ForgeGradle-based 1.6.4 builds (960-965) or JDK 8 for the most recent MCP-based 1.6.4 build (1345). This tutorial explains how to get started and set up a ForgeGradle workspace.
  15. The damage dealt by arrows is calculated in EntityArrow#onUpdate , which uses values set in ItemBow#onPlayerStoppedUsing . You can override these methods in your own classes to do whatever you want.
  16. I suggest you post the log anyway, it will probably give LexManos more of an idea of what's happening internally.
  17. Don't bump your threads, especially not after five minutes. It will only serve to annoy the people that can help you, it won't make them post any faster.
  18. You need to set the fire encouragement (a.k.a spread speed) and flammability of the Block yourself. Either call BlockFire#setFireInfo after registering your Block or override Block#getFireSpreadSpeed and Block#getFlammability to return the appropriate values.
  19. What's the full name (including extension) of the file you downloaded? It should be viewable in your browser's download list. I suspect you've somehow set WordPad as the default application of whatever file type you downloaded. All downloads except the changelog are some sort of binary file, so they'd look like a bunch of random characters if opened in a text editor/word processor like WordPad.
  20. ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation is Forge's replacement for ItemModelMesher#register(Item, int, ModelResourceLocation) , yes.
  21. Ah, that would indeed screw things up. I'm still surprised that there wasn't error in the log telling you that it couldn't find the model with that name.
  22. I can't see any obvious errors in your code. Could you upload the FML log to Gist and link it here? Are your files at tetracraft:blockstates/brox_stone.json, tetracraft:models/block/brox_stone.json, and tetracraft:models/item/brox_stone.json?
  23. Yes. Every Forge mod is a resource pack, so you can override vanilla assets with your own. Keep in mind that user-added resource packs will take priority over mod resource packs.
  24. If you call ShapedRecipes#func_92100_c on a shaped recipe, it will copy the NBT tag to the output from the last ingredient that has one. If you want more control over the output NBT, create your own implementation of IRecipe (optionally extending an existing one like ShapedRecipe / ShapedOreRecipe ), override IRecipe#getCraftingResult to set the NBT of the output ItemStack and add an instance of it using GameRegistry.addRecipe(IRecipe) . Side note: The whole point of vararg methods like GameRegistry.addShapedRecipe is that you just pass in the arguments as normal and Java creates the array for you.
  25. There should be an error in the log telling you what went wrong.
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