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Everything posted by Choonster

  1. Somehow the IProperty array you're passing to the ExtendedBlockState constructor contains a null value, but I can't see how that could happen in your current code since WOOD_TYPE is initialised in a static field. If you set a breakpoint on that line, is WOOD_TYPE null ? Does the value at index 0 of the array become null in the BlockState constructor before the exception is thrown?
  2. The changelog for each Forge version can be downloaded from files.minecraftforge.net. MCP mappings (which map SRG names like func_1121_a to MCP names like doStuff ) can be downloaded from the MCPBot website.
  3. InventoryTweaks 1.59-dev-152 is for 1.7.10. InventoryTweaks 1.59-dev-165 and newer are for 1.8.
  4. Your itemspawnmover.json model is using the wrong resource domain for the parent model and texture, i.e. pingusrandomstuff instead of pingusrandoms (the actual name of the folder with your assets in it).
  5. Minecraft's vector classes aren't compatible with the javax.vecmath classes, you'll need to manually convert between them (i.e. create a new instance of the other vector class using the same coordinates as the existing vector).
  6. You should be registering renderers in your client proxy, not your main class. If you call a client-only method or reference a client-only class in your main class, your mod will crash when run on a dedicated server.
  7. It looks like you haven't overridden Block#getIcon , so it's still trying to use Block#blockIcon (which is null ) as the texture.
  8. There's no single "extract item" method, but pipes will usually use IInventory#decrStackSize or IInventory#setInventorySlotContents to extract items from a slot.
  9. There's no events for this, but itemducts and their equivalents in other mods use the IInventory / ISidedInventory interfaces to interact with TileEntity s that have inventories. You can do whatever you need to from your implementation of these interfaces.
  10. Damage Indicators Mod is client-only, it doesn't work on servers.
  11. Yes, they're handled by @EventHandler methods in your @Mod class like the preInit, init and postInit events. I just tested this using this code and I can confirm that it works for dedicated and integrated servers. [spoiler=Dedicated server] [23:32:04] [server thread/INFO]: Stopping the server [23:32:04] [server thread/INFO]: Server stopping. Dedicated? true [23:32:04] [server thread/INFO]: Stopping server [23:32:04] [server thread/INFO]: Saving players [23:32:04] [server thread/INFO]: Saving worlds [23:32:04] [server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld [23:32:04] [server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether [23:32:04] [server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End [23:32:04] [server thread/INFO]: Unloading dimension 0 [23:32:04] [server thread/INFO]: Unloading dimension -1 [23:32:04] [server thread/INFO]: Unloading dimension 1 [23:32:04] [server thread/INFO]: Remapping stats for 0 blocks/items [23:32:05] [server thread/INFO]: Applying holder lookups [23:32:05] [server thread/INFO]: Holder lookups applied [23:32:05] [server thread/INFO]: Server stopped. Dedicated? true [spoiler=Integrated Server] [23:40:14] [server thread/INFO]: Server stopping. Dedicated? false [23:40:14] [server thread/INFO]: Stopping server [23:40:14] [server thread/INFO]: Saving players [23:40:15] [server thread/INFO]: Saving worlds [23:40:15] [server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'New World'/Overworld [23:40:15] [server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'New World'/Nether [23:40:15] [server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'New World'/The End [23:40:15] [server thread/INFO]: Unloading dimension 0 [23:40:15] [server thread/INFO]: Unloading dimension -1 [23:40:15] [server thread/INFO]: Unloading dimension 1 [23:40:15] [server thread/INFO]: Remapping stats for 0 blocks/items [23:40:15] [server thread/INFO]: Applying holder lookups [23:40:15] [server thread/INFO]: Holder lookups applied [23:40:15] [server thread/INFO]: Server stopped. Dedicated? false
  12. Are you sure those events don't fire for the integrated server? It looks like they're fired in Loader#serverStopped , which is indirectly called at the end of MinecraftServer#run (from FMLCommonHandler#handleServerStopped ).
  13. There's an invalid character on line 1 of config/MoCreatures/MoCSettings.cfg. Either delete the character or delete the file completely and allow it to be regenerated.
  14. You've cut off part of the crash report. Post the full thing.
  15. Binnie's Mods don't work with Forestry 4.x yet. Either disable Binnie's Mods or revert to Forestry 3.x.
  16. No, but you can use the vanilla lever's blockstates file as an example, just split the model and the rotation: define the model as either a default (single model) or based on the appropriate property (multiple models like the lever) and then define the rotation based on the facing property.
  17. You don't have CoFHCore installed.
  18. Have you tried looking at BlockLever ? It uses its own enum to describe the possible facings and sets the facing from Block#onBlockPlaced when it's placed.
  19. You're only registering your items in ClientProxy , which means they're not registered on the dedicated server. Keep all block, item, entity, etc. registration code in methods called from your @Mod class so the code is run on both sides. Blocks, items, entities, etc. should be registered in preInit, recipes and ore dictionary entries should be added in init. Keep all model and renderer registration code in methods called from ClientProxy so the code is only run on the client side.
  20. It should be okay to save the EnergyStorage in the root compound tag or a nested compound tag. It's not a slot, it doesn't need a slot number.
  21. Iterate through Potion.potionTypes until you find a Potion that returns the specified name from Potion#getName . You'll probably want to do this once at startup rather than every time you apply the effect.
  22. Thog has a 1.8.8 fork of NEI here, but I have no idea what state it's in.
  23. For 1.8 and earlier, you can install the deobfuscated versions of CodeChickenLib and CodeChickenCore to deobfuscate other mods at runtime; allowing you to use regular obfuscated mods in the development environment. Unfortunately ChickenBones hasn't ported them to 1.8.8 yet.
  24. Block#isAir is a method added by Forge. Presumably it takes parameters so mods can base the result on some property of the location (e.g. blockstate/metadata, TileEntity value, per-world or per-level values).
  25. Looking at the vanilla compass rendering code, it looks like most of your current code should still work with a few minor changes. Just use the TextureAtlasSprite 's ResourceLocation as the texture of your item model. You'll want to look at RenderItemFrame#renderItem to see how the vanilla compass is rendered in item frames and use it as the basis of your RenderItemInFrameEvent handler.
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