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    Enlightenment and ignorance are contagious....

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  1. Thanks all... Its called Brix and its (at the moment) a creative mode tool for design purposes (think diablo3 and how it uses a few parts to randomize dungeons in various ways). I'm a few weeks away from any kind of release anyway- got to clean up the code, remove some debug stuff etc etc)...
  2. I've got (or almost got) a workable mod I'd like to get out for others to kick around, get some feedback etc etc. What is the best way to go about this ?
  3. Its been challenging, to be sure, (cutting a section from world and putting in text file that is easily editable, getting the placement so I can rotate stuff properly in the 4 directions and change the origin if need be) but well worth it so far I think (from a Java knowledge standpoint)
  4. I'm generating some stuff with my mod and I was wondering if I should get the map seed and ensure that any random generation is used off of that or whether I should embrace another (self generated) seed..... Or to put it more succinctly: // Walk through rules starting at last and determine if that rule is to be used instead private int useRule(Bricks rules) { int ret = 0; Random rnd = new Random(); for (int num = rules.bricks.size() -1; num > 0; num--) { Brick brick = new Brick(rules.getBrick(num)); if (rnd.nextInt(100)+1 <= brick.chance) { ret = num; break; } } return ret; } If I should use new Random or is there a minecraft generated random instead ?
  5. I have a few quick questions about random number generation inside minecraft itself: How do I ensure I am using the same seed that minecraft generates for my random numbers, as if I use my own external Random Number Generator it won't tie in with the minecraft seed so that with the same seed I get totally different results from stuff generated my way. I guess I'd like to know what is the proper way to use random numbers for generation in my mod (same seed as minecraft, or new seed or whatever).
  6. I was wondering if there a way to execute a registered server command by keystroke instead of having to type "/" followed by the command ?
  7. Sorry that you think this is a double post- I think I can use THREE passes to totally remove all blocks. I'll update the other post with the solution I found as well. 1st- from bottom of selected cube to top- only blocks that are one blocklayer CUTOUT_MIPPED, or CUTOUT. 2nd- from top down to bottom of cube- blocks that are not FullCube 3rd- any left over. This seems to clean it up (does not drop doors all over the place). The reason I ask is that it seems strange that it appears you have to manipulate the blocks one at a time (in loops) and there is no batch processor where you can do them all then have the physics update after you have done what you want to do to those blocks. Of course, for some strange reason Minecraft uses the Y axis as the 3rd dimension too, so I guess its par the course
  8. Is there a way to prevent a cluster of blocks to not update physics on the regular tick until I "release" them ? The problem I am having is that I can cut portions of the map (set the block one at a time to "Air"), but there are a few caveats: 1. If I cut from the lowest to highest level (one block at a time), things that are supported (e.g. pressure plates on fences to look like tables) fall when their block below them is removed. 2. If I cut from highest to lowest, doors drop (they look like they have to be removed from the bottom or they drop onto the map). Right now I use 2 passes to successfully remove things- 1st where not(isSolidCube) then anything else on the 2nd pass. The problem child is doors- they are not(isFullCube) so get removed top down in pass 1 (which does not destroy it but harvest it and leaves it on the ground). It would optimally be great to not allow the blocks to be updated until I have run through the delete loop. Not sure this is doable however.....
  9. I'm using block getExtendedState to return the properties of a block that I save to file as text. It gets the proper properties (or so I thought) until I ran into blue wool (it works fine for all the other wools and so far most of the other blocks (still testing on some of the buttons etc). the enumeration for that is BLUE_WOOL, but the valid value you get for the IBlockState.getAllowedValues is "lightBlue". So when you go to replicate that saved block in the world it cannot find "lightBlue" value because it is looking for "LIGHT_BLUE" instead. Its probably something easy but for some reason I can't seem to figure it out Solved ! In my comparator I was using (E iterator): if (prop.getName(E).equalsIgnoreCase(value)) instead of if (E.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(value)) Beware the pitfalls for the unwary ! Thankfully Eclipse has that integrated debugging tool with it
  10. It's a shame something that is kind of basic requires so much to achieve
  11. Experimenting atm... Too bad they've don't have a left click air like RIGHT_CLICK_AIR.. Suppose I could just use right click instead (along with LeftControl of course)....
  12. I can use the objectMouseOver.hitvec to get a non-air hit, but how to get it if the spot is an air block ? Maybe a better way to state that is to get the block clicked that is adjacent, regardless of what type it is...
  13. Thanks ! I was looking at tutorials and they all had parts of what I needed but then again it seems things changed in 1.7 so I was a bit confused and some of the tutorials are for an earlier version....
  14. What is the way to handle doing something on a MouseClick but only if a control key is pressed at the time ? I can register a keybinding and get that to work, and I can get a click event to work, but since they are separate events, how do you combine them into one ?
  15. Thanks ! I was on the right track and looking at looking at some nifty code from: Irtimaled: https://github.com/irtimaled BoundingBoxReloaded... Got to reading about the tessalotor thing on the minecraft.net page and figured it was the way to go... j ust couldn't figure where (which event) to fire it (still rudamentary knowledge of all the proper events at this point)....
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