Hey guys,
Go to this post for cuz this issue was resolved
So I was trying to try a harder this than basic blocks and items and moved on to tile entites, YAY! Remarkable, I got them to work almost flawlessly, but one issue prevails, THE TEXTURES DON'T REGISTER. Here is what I mean:
Here is my folder structure:
As you can see, the model for my tile entity works fine as there is a little thing sticking out from the top, I tried translating it and it looked good, but the block texture wont go away neither will the tile entity texture load, I also got this message in the console
[13:29:35] [Client thread/WARN]: Failed to load texture: rapierplus:blocks/tilemoulder.png
java.io.FileNotFoundException: rapierplus:blocks/tilemoulder.png
And here is my code for the Tile Entity Renderer:
And finally my code for the block itself