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Everything posted by I_Iz_Shahid

  1. What I get from here is that instead of: do this: but when I do this, then I get this error code:
  2. Derp, I didn't read your post
  3. Using this I get this crash code: apparently the crash is at this segment of the recipe code: I think its cause it cant compare the entry and parItemStack2 which shouldn't happen
  4. You know, someone should make an API for that. I mean if it is standardized then it would be both easier for modders, have more support, and lastly have less mod crashes Anyone up for the task?
  5. I am completely lost here What I get so far is that 1. I need to set the key to use both itemstacks 2. I should use a different class to do that, but I don't know how that class should be structured, does anyone have a tutorial I can check out?
  6. Could you please explain how getter methods would help, because I will still have to use a single itemstack for the key, am I right? (I want sample code )
  7. I was thinking of doing that, but how would I return 2 itemstacks in the helper class?
  8. Ok, so I reviewed Maps and understand what you guys mean. But how will I go about adding the recipe now? will this work? mouldingList.put(Material, Result); mouldingList(Material, Result);
  9. Try posting your item's code, it could be possibly linked to the issue. If you don't want to, then try checking out how the delete slot works. Maybe your code is somehow preventing that code from working
  10. Welcome back for yet another question that seems to have me stumped Anyways, I managed to make a custom furnace with a different set of recipes that use 2 items instead of one to produce one result, but I have one issue. I can't set the recipes, here is my recipes file: now the problem is exactly at this line: mouldingList.put(Mould, Material, Result); This yields an error that the put function can only take 2 objects as input, but I can't find a replacement function. How do I do this?
  11. Sorry about that, I am using 1.8 I found out that before but it doesn't work for me, I am trying to get the sky light value for my tile entity but it always returns zero, here is my code: final int SKY_LIGHT_VALUE = tileEntityMoulder.getWorld().getLightFor(EnumSkyBlock.SKY, tileEntityMoulder.getPos()); final int BLOCK_LIGHT_VALUE = 0; OpenGlHelper.setLightmapTextureCoords(OpenGlHelper.lightmapTexUnit, SKY_LIGHT_VALUE * 16.0F, BLOCK_LIGHT_VALUE * 16.0F);
  12. Hey guys, again ... I was wondering what method do I use to get the light value from the surrounding environment thanks!
  13. To fix the other annotation issues, try deleting all of the imports and import them again
  14. MY GOD, Thank you so much man! That's one hurdle outta the way, but now another . This is what it looks like now, the texture is loaded, i just need to adjust the lighting a bit I can't get that block outta the way Here are my JSON files: Blockstates: Items: Blocks:
  15. you can see it in the folder structure, which is in modid/textures/blocks/tilemoulder.png
  16. Hey guys, -EDIT- Go to this post for cuz this issue was resolved http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,32230.msg168433.html#msg168433 So I was trying to try a harder this than basic blocks and items and moved on to tile entites, YAY! Remarkable, I got them to work almost flawlessly, but one issue prevails, THE TEXTURES DON'T REGISTER. Here is what I mean: Here is my folder structure: As you can see, the model for my tile entity works fine as there is a little thing sticking out from the top, I tried translating it and it looked good, but the block texture wont go away neither will the tile entity texture load, I also got this message in the console [13:29:35] [Client thread/WARN]: Failed to load texture: rapierplus:blocks/tilemoulder.png java.io.FileNotFoundException: rapierplus:blocks/tilemoulder.png And here is my code for the Tile Entity Renderer: And finally my code for the block itself
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