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  1. i ran forge and I'm using the C:\Users\Nate\Desktop\eclipse-java\moding\forge\fml\eclipse path the same forge folder that installed it in but when i run eclipse i get these errors also how do i import the code from my 1.4.5 mod?
  2. did you put them in the minecraft jar that was my fail
  3. I set the texture to a 1x1 White Texture so I can set the color before calling it, and it works brilliantly. I did notice however, how damn out of place spheres are in minecraft. I'd like to see it sounds cool Very well. It is not a mod, I as just playing with the idea, but this is how it looks. I made it so it generates a random color when placed so I can get a large color variation without much effort. Here is the screenshot. that is to cool do you mind if i do things with this to? I Posted the code as a tutorial, do what you want. is there any way to make them smoother also invert the shape like a cube with a cut out of the center or even a sphere in side that also it'd be nice if you could do a on on creating other shapes in minecraft there rely aren't enough up to date tutorials on the wiki
  4. the one in the forge folder at lest that's whats working for me
  5. I was following this http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Category:TelincTutorial_Mod tutorial and started to fail at the custom textures. so wondering if there where any good up to date tutorials for forge.
  6. follow this http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Installation/Source and if you still have problems look at this http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,3750.0.html
  7. I set the texture to a 1x1 White Texture so I can set the color before calling it, and it works brilliantly. I did notice however, how damn out of place spheres are in minecraft. I'd like to see it sounds cool Very well. It is not a mod, I as just playing with the idea, but this is how it looks. I made it so it generates a random color when placed so I can get a large color variation without much effort. Here is the screenshot. that is to cool do you mind if i do things with this to?
  8. yea I'd like the forge team to do that to and you should do your best to lean how and than mod
  9. thank you
  10. I set the texture to a 1x1 White Texture so I can set the color before calling it, and it works brilliantly. I did notice however, how damn out of place spheres are in minecraft. I'd like to see it sounds cool
  11. OK now where getting some where; I now get this error log but it maybe nothing or my fault and thank you so much for your help so far and in the future hope fully i wont waste much more of your time
  12. look out tl;rd coming up mcperr 02:39:41 - !! renaming disabled !! and mcp just now figured out how to use spoilers
  13. OK so i made a folder called moding where i unzipped mcp and forge then i coped the minecraft bin folder over the resources fodder to jars and the minecraft server jar then went into forge and ran install hope this helps
  14. already did that I never touched decompile.bat right now I'm tired but later ill post pics to show what I'm dealing with more context
  15. I have it set up so that the folders go modding, where I unzipped both mcp 723 and minecraftforge-src-1.4.5- then the jars folder where I have minecraft_server.jar, the bin and resources folders. Inside the bin folder I have jinput.jar, lwjgl.jar, lwjgl_util.jar, minecraft.jar and the natives folder. I don't remember if the md5s file was in there before I ran forge or not; but if its really important I can check. If there is any other thing you or anyone else really needs to know to make it easier to help just ask.
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